"Somewhat, I'm also curious why the villagers have been more hostile lately. No doubt your doing yes?"

With a chuckle he admitted to his crime and also how easy it was to manipulate them.

"What if they hired more wizards? I noticed the last group sure did a number on your pack. How do you know they won't again?" I asked curiously.

"To hire someone you need money and well, food wasn't the only thing we took." he said as an evil grin crawled onto his face.

Looking behind him I noticed in his cave was a huge stash of money.

"Noticed my loot ehy? Bout time, I was starting to think you went blind on me. Sadly I must bid you a due, we have some more looting to do."

After being escorted out off the packs living quarters I quickly came up with a plan to steal back the money the pack had stolen. My wing had grown stiff after my chat with Father, before I took the cash from the pack I would need to stretch my wing. The stolen goods pile was much to big to drag and it would also wake the other wolouns, I would need to fly it out of there. The patrol that escorted me out continued to follow me till I got to my tree by the river.

I spent the rest of the evening working out my wing and catching fish for dinner. Soon the new moon was high in the sky, it was time to get to work. As I ran it started to rain, and it started to poor.

"Not a fan of water but it will mask my cent and everyone would be in there caves." I thought out loud but then I remembered, he would be with the money after all it's in his cave.

I followed the muddy river bed hoping the dark mud would mask my sliver fur and my cent even better. The river was overflowing, this was the most rain we had had in a while meaning the water would rise more and become a river of mud. Soon the rock outcrop where the pack lived was insight, the first thing I would need to do was cross the rapids. Looking across I can hardly see the deer path that leads to the packs livening quarters, how was I to cross the river though. I can't swim so that's a no go and my wing can't handle going against the wind yet. Looking around, a large log caught my attention, it was big enough to hold my weight but the thought of my muddy paws on a bark free tree trunk wasn't sitting well with me, let alone the fact it was windy and the log was wet. Sadly this old tree was my only chance to make it over safely.

My paws dug deep into the ground as I pushed the tree to the river. After finally pushing the drenched tree across the river I hopped on, instantly the tree creaked making my muddy fur on my back rise. I quickly slid my paws forward hopping to soon be of this old creaking tree, about half way across the log started to creak louder then started to bend. With a snap the last bit of bark on the log flue off and hit the back of my leg startled I jumped and spread my wings. Looking down the rest of the tree started to snap in half, I started to glide to the other shore. Behind me was a tree getting washed away by a storm ahead was the whistling peeks of the small mountain range in which the pack lived.

As I approached the spot I would normally howl my introductions I started to wonder if father had made night watches since I last visited. He may be a jerk but he's not stupid. Cautiously I climbed up to the nesting site and looked around for guards, once I was confident there was no one awake I quietly climbed up to my fathers cave entrence. Laying just out side of the caves mouth were two wolouns I knew well, it was Bolder and Markie. Above them were two out crops of stone keeping them dry. I quietly slipped passed the guards and into the old mans cave. He lay snoring beside a big velvet bag of Jewels, I bet that's what the villagers were going to pay the wizards. Slowly I crawled my way beside the large bag and closed my mussel around the top. Being sure not to move the bag to fast I walked out the cave, behind me Markie had rolled over on his stomach and Bolder kept snoring away. As I leaped off the edge I heard some scuffling coming from the Alpha cave, looking back Markie wasn't at the caves entrance now, instead he was running up to me.

"Oh crap!" I mumbled through the bag as I quickly took to the air.

I knew he wasn't a skilled flyer and had hoped he wouldn't try flying in a storm but I was wrong, he leaped of the edge after me. We both were getting beaten around in the storm the only difference between our flying was that I fly in storms all the time, he doesn't but he also didn't have a wing healing. Dividing low to the ground to try to lose him I noticed that we were headed to the eye of the storm, it would be calm there but before that was a forest of lightning. Stretching my wings out I was thrown into the sky by the strong wind, the rain was coming down so hard I was practically blinded by it, the dark clouds around me made it impossible to see, but I could still hear the frantic beats of Markies wings behind me close on my trail. The thunder and lightning boomed around us, at this point one of us was bound to get struck and I was counting on the Jewels to bring the light. The blinding light flashed around us and soon one struck me, the blinding light stopped Markie in his tracks. On the ground I was in my electric absorbing puppy form in a big black ditch that my exploding paws had helped the lightning create. Looking around I got my bearings straight, it turned out the eye of the storm was close to were Gray and I exited from our underground adventure. Quickly I dragged the velvet bag into the cavern mouth and decided to wait out the storm there.

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