TF4 Megatron x Reader

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Requested by: 8BitRyansister A saddening one. You know how fucking excited I am to finally write another sad one??? And this is yandre so!- (insert fangirling) Anyway this will take place at the end of tf4 where galvatron turns into Megatron so going into tf5.
I saw the movie so kinda spoilish things going on but not really just mentioning what happened to said area.

A low, deep grumble echoed throughout the cold, damp, empty street. Chicago was in ruins. Chicago was your,


And you couldn't run. You could run. But all the danger seeking below the ruble. It won't turn out good if a bot found you, or even worse a decepticon. You sighed to yourself. You felt so filthy with all the ash covering your smooth skin. Colder with the tears running down your cheek, cleaning off the filth you felt. A sob caught up your throat. You couldn't bare the pain in your chest anymore as you broke down.

" dear friend Megatron...." You cried out for the con. He was dead. At least what you thought after you heard of Galvatron. You weren't sure anymore. You cried for him every time he was announce dead. But some how. He lived. He lived and came to seek you.

But not this time. Was he truly gone..? Your Megatron...

"My shining armor...." You sniffed, cleaning your nose against your sleeves. The ground beneath you slowly moved. You couldn't noticed the slight shake to the ground though as you calmed yourself from your little grief session.

"If I find a human sobbing instead of a bot i'll make you live through hell...." A deep rasp echoed. You jumped startled by the voice. You could hear your rapid heart beat, and your heavy breathing as you thought for the worst. You were frozen to the ground. Accepting your fate already. With the steps growing louder, and the ground shaking more and more as it approached. You prepared for the worst, curling up in a ball already to face death. When you could hear it close by, you thought of everything you could of said to those you loved.

"A human....what a shame you seem worthless." They stated. You gulped down another sob coming up. Leaning in you could feel the coldness of servo it gaved off as it reached for you. That is until you questioned why hasn't it gotten you after a couple seconds passed by. Peeking over your little ball of warmth, beyond the servo, was a faceplate that looked similar.

"Me-Megatron...? Is that really you?"

"(Y/N) I thought you were long gone." His breath hitched, as he gently grabbed you.

"Megatron! I-I can't believe it! You're alright!" You cried out, hugging one of his digits. He brought you closer to his chasis, where it was warmer.

"My precious human. I thought you were killed by all of this and yet you surprise me still my little (Y/N)." He purred, sending shivers down your spin. Looking up with glassy eyes, you met with his red optics. The optics that seen it all.

"I'm just glad my last family is alive.....your my only friend I have." You stated, cracking a sad smile. If it was possible, you felt him stiff under you. You probably just imaged it but his expression said other wise.

"Yes.....and it will stay like that. Your. Only......friend." You were concerned. Hearing him hesitate on the last word. And overall his whole comment. You chuckled nervously deciding to brush it off.

"Ha yeah. Well you and the rest of your team of course! Right?" You asked. His expression was blank. His optics hard to read what he was thinking about.

"Megatron? Are you okay?" You asked carefully. This wasn't Megatron. He never acted so....silent.

"There won't be any other's my precious one can be with you....I won't have you taken away from me are mine. You are mine. You are MINE YOU HEAR ME!" He yelled out. Your body was quivering. He seemed to realized how terrified you were looking as his animalist look vanished and changed to one of regret.

"Wait (Y/N)....forgive my actions, I-"

"Put me down and give me an explanation! P-please..." You two eyed each other, slowly did he put you back on the ground. You started to regret it as you were going to apologize he cut you off.

"I can't bare you seeing you with anyone else. You are mine. Because I have fallen for you....." You were stunned hearing this. He loved you?

"I....Megatron a great being who should be terrified by everyone, take no mercy, ruthless, powerful....has fallen for a...a human." He scoffed to himself like he can't believe to himself.

"Wait Megatron." You had to tell him you didn't feel the same. He looked over to you, eyes and optics meeting together. You gulped feeling sweat dripping down of how nervous you suddenly were.

"I love you to. It just my love to you isn't the same it is for you to me....I love you as a dear friend. I'm sorry I hope you can understand." You said looking away. You were expecting a yell. Or something frantic like kicking the building in frustration. But you heard nothing. Confused you looked up to be met with cold, glaring optics.

"That is not your choice to choose human. You are to be my pet. Because you are MINE. Because I love YOU. And I am not WILLINGLY to SHARE." He growled plucking you up from the ground. You kicked around in his servos trying anything to get out from his grip, as you screamed.

"Save that screaming for later when you share the same love for me as I for you." He growled. With eyes widen at the statement and your face heating up by a blush. You became more frantic. Though it did little to nothing to the great force. Then what both of you didn't realize was the out of place vehicles and the to silent atmosphere.

"FIRE!" And sudden your vision was filled by a blinding light of a bomb. Screaming you tightly hold onto his servo, as he struggled with one servo to cover himself from the bullets. A roar leaving his mouthplate, he swapped away the men below them with a single swipe. It took little to no energy to take care of the humans. Crushing them was the easy part. Saving one was the hard part. Throughout the whole thing Megatron let you go on the ground, with a rough hit you got up and ran to safety, away from the fire of bullets.

Though. Not everything was going to go to plane with the sky raining with bullets. After the humans were dealt with, and with heavy breathing as Megatron swiped away the blood from his faceplate, and turned to look over for you.

"(Y/N) come out. It is safe for now. Better get leaving before anyone take you away" He stopped walking. His breathing hitch, his body stiffen, the world was spinning, his spark went cold. There you lay. Shot through the chest.

"No., no, no, NO, NO!" He screamed. carefully did he picked you up. It was the most gentle time he ever did as he lifted your lifeless body.

" not my human, not my little (Y/N)..." He spoke to himself as he caress your paling face.

"They took you away from me. My only one. My (Y/N)." He haven't felt this emotion for so long. It's been eons since he's been sad for another being. But what came up was an explosion to soon erupt later in the future.

"They shall pay. They all will pay, for taking you away from me." He growled, as he started walking once again, with you in servos. Ever still so gently.

Fuck man I wanted to make it more sadder

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Fuck man I wanted to make it more sadder. I want to make people cry, to suffer. DX

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