Chapter Three

Mulai dari awal

                “Um... I couldn’t sleep,” I spoke, “I got woken up...”

                “Did a car come passed?” he questioned sleepily, laying his head against the door.

                I shook my head. “No, I heard a howl though.”

                Adam seemed to choke on air and looked over at me, then he sighed and mumbled something that I didn’t catch before he climbed out of the car. I wanted to question where he was going, but he’d already slammed the door shut. I watched as routed in the back of his truck before pulling out a torch and making his way into the forest. I opened the door, not wanting to be left on my own, but also not wanting him to get hurt,.

                “What are you doing?” I whisper-yelled.

                “Stay here; I’m going to check it out,” he snapped back before he ventured into the forest for the second time. I gulped and shut the door; my heart was pounding in my chest. As more time went on, I began to worry more about Adam and took my initiative to go after him, even if I got killed on the way. I shut the door and went into the forest, stepping over roots and crunching the leaves between my feet. There was little light, as you could guess, but the moon shone through the trees and lit up some of my pathway.

                “Adam!” I shouted loudly, “where are you?”

                I stumbled over a root and cursed loudly. I wish I’d fished out my torch from my backpack and brought it with me, but my mind wasn’t in the right mind set at that moment. I called Adam’s name, but, once again, there was no answer. If he’d ditched me, I would be so pissed off because he was my ride and I had all my stuff in the back of his truck. I turned to look back at where his truck had gone, but I’d ventured too far into the forest to see it. More twigs and leaves snapped and crackled underneath my feet as I walked. Maybe Adam was dead, I mean, it was his own fault for going off, but what would I do if he was dead? I yawned from tiredness and sat down by a tree, not bothering to walk on. If he was dead, there wasn’t much I could do. I was pretty much dead anyway; these forests could be of any lengths. I closed my eyes and, when I opened them, I found myself being carried on someone’s back.

                “Nice of you to join us again,” the oh-so familiar voice spoke from the one who was carrying me. I laughed a little and shut my eyes again.

                “I thought you were dead.”

                “Thanks for the support,” Adam chuckled, “I wouldn’t have died; I just got the car working anyway, so we’re on a schedule.”

                “How’d you find me?” I asked him, “and, how’d you fix the car?”

                “Someone pulled over and helped me,” he answered and I opened my eyes to see we were a good thirty feet away from the car, “and, you didn’t walk that far. These forests are pretty safe, those wolves were calling to each other, that’s why they were howling.”

His Lost MateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang