My phone vibrated in my back pocket. I pulled it out seeing the only Gmail notification sent form PDnim. Quickly I unlock my phone and open the Gmail app. Then I click on the Gmail PDnim sent me. Kim Soo Rin dies in a car accident when a stuck drive hit her from the side.

I can't believe it. My face must have shown my shock because the trainee looked if something was wrong. I looked at her and told her that I might have to be their permanently.

She looked worried and asked why. I showed her the message that was displayed on my phone screen. She was as surprised as I was, if not more. She sat down on the floor, her back leaning against the mirror.  

" It's a shame I won't ever be able to thank her." She said. We sat in silence for a little more and I asked her what her name was. (Y/N). What a beautiful name. She got up and giuded me through the routine they had learned.

I got most of it down when six other girls came in. I gave them my introduction.We didn't have much of a practice. Just talked about how tgeir training is and how they get things done. I felt my phone vibrate again. I pulles it out and saw it was a text from Jimin saying:

ChimChim🐶: Did u get the email?
Sunshine🌞: Yeah. I am already in the practice room.
ChimChim🐶: I'll be there in 10 k.

I put my phobe back into my pocket. "Jimin said that he'll be here in 10 minutes to discuss vocal training etc." I saw two of the girls turning to each other, both of them blushing. Fangirling most likely. I sat back down next to (Y/N) and asked her how she learned to dance.

She said that at first she would watch videos and teach herself, but then her parents discovered yer passion and paid for lessons. From the one hour we spent, with (Y/N) teaching me their dance routine you can tell she is really good.

I also found out that she used to do martial arts, and will sometimes go to the gym and freshen up on her moves.  I thought that was awsome. I don't think that I'll try to jump scare her though. She could just kick you in the face as a reaction.

Just then Jimin walked in, taking of his sun galsses and intoduced him self to the trainee class. "They are all training for a spot in the new Big Hit girl group." I explained to Jimin. He nodded.
Jimin's p.o.v
I looked at the seven girls and studied each of their faces. One girl caught my attention. She was standing by Hobi. She had nice ( your hair color) hair that looked so soft, I wanted to pat her head. She looked so cute.

A girl with obviously dyed teal hair came up to me and explained what has happened so far in their training. She said her name was Choi. I typed some of it down in Notes to share with my hyungs. So we would have to stop and explain everything everytime.

They had gotten pretty far in their training I decided to not have a hard caire practice. Mostly because their trainer just died, that and because I wasn't dressed accordingly.

We played a game where one person is blind folded and they have to find the otger people why going around and trying to catch them.

J-Hope was voted to be blind folded first. He felt around the walls and as he approached a corner, he hit his head and fell on his glucose. We all laughed, and that gave us away because we couldn't stop laughing.

Next to be blind folded was the girl that caught me eye earlier. She walked confidently to the door. She touched the handle and and started to move to the right. She started feeling the wall. Choi, the teal haired girl from earlier, started to move away from the wall but her sneakers make a slight squeak and her head sharply turns in her direction. She jumped forward and wrapped her arms around Chou and yelled " Gotcha!". She is so cute. " Yaaa, now let me go (Y/N)!" Her name is (Y/N). That suits her. She easily caught everyone including me under two minutes.

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