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I recommend to listen to impossible year by Panic! At the disco (P!ATD) while reading this.


"Come on, Cait!" Yelled Barry as he was waiting out side of star labs so him and Caitlin could move into the apartment he bought for them.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" said Caitlin as she ran out of star labs to meet Barry.

Barry just laughed softly.

"Now c'mon lets go!" Said Barry as he picked up Caitlin bridal style and ran off.

Caitlin rested her head on his shoulder as she held on to his neck. Once they arrived, Caitlin noticed that all of there belongings were already there.

Barry covered Caitlin's eyes as they entered. "3...2...1" said Barry as he lifted his hands from Caitlin's eyes.

Caitlin gasped from amazement. "Barry it's beautiful!" She said as she hugged him.

"Not as beautiful as you!" Barry said as he kissed her on the lips. "You're too sweet!" Said Caitlin, she blushed.

"Ok well, lets start moving our stuff in!" Said Barry as he grabbed a box. "Do you want to move in like a normal couple or do you want to use your speed?" Asked Caitlin.

"I want to move in like a normal couple." Exclaimed Barry.

"Okay." said Caitlin as she grabbed a box.


"Well it looks like we are done!" Said Barry tiredly as he laid on the couch, Caitlin sat next to him. "Well do you want to grab some coffee?" She suggested, Barry nodded and sat up and held out his hand for her to grab.

They walked to jitters hand in hand,
They ordered then sat down.
"So..." said Barry as he trailed off.

"What?" Said Caitlin as she put her hand on Barry's.
"I just noticed that you look beautiful today." Said Barry, Caitlin blushed.

"Thanks," said Caitlin as she looked down. Barry reached over and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

Barry's phone rang, "Hold on its Cisco" said Barry to Caitlin. She nodded.

"Hey Cisco, what's up?" Said Barry.
"Get to star labs right now!" Said Cisco. "Okay?" said Barry as he picked up Caitlin and ran to star labs.

"Hey Cisco what's wron-" Barry was cut of by him seeing zoom.
"Hello Flash," said zoom as he looked at him.

Barry picked up Caitlin and ran her far far away so she would be safe.

"Barry no!" Yelled Caitlin as Barry began to run off "in sorry Cait, but I Have to" said Barry as he ran off.

"I'm back!" Yelled Barry at zoom
Zoom growled at him and ran to him before grabbing his neck.

Barry tried to get zoom off of him but failed. Zoom threw him to the ground, Barry grunted.

Zoom ran over to him and picked him up, then dragged him across Central City.

Barry and Zoom were back at star labs.
Zoom held Barry above him and then held out his knee before breaking his back.

"Ahh!" Yelled Barry in pain.
"Looks like no one here to save you, Flash!" Growled Zoom.

"You're not gonna kill me, that's not gonna happen." Growled Barry.
"I'm gonna survive for Cait!" Muttered Barry.

After that zoom beat him so hard that Barry passed out.

Caitlin ran back to Star labs and saw Cisco laying on the ground, not hurt just passed out and then she saw Barry.

"No!" Yelled Caitlin as she ran to Barry.

She got him on the medical bed.
He would survive but he had a broken back, nose, and foot and a sprained ankle, he also had a concussion.

"I can't loose anyone else" muttered Caitlin before Barry shot up.

"Oh my god! Barry! Are you ok?!" Yelled Caitlin as she ran towards him.

Barry nodded.

"C-Cait I'm s-sorry" stuttered Barry.

"For what?" Said Caitlin as she rested her hand on his shoulder. "Y-you c-could've gotten hurt and I c-can't let that happen. I'm sorry but I have to b-break up w-with you." Stated Barry as a tear fell from his eye.

"Barry," muttered Caitlin before running out crying.
"I'm sorry." muttered Barry.

Authors Note:
Yes,yes, yes i know that I broke Barry and Caitlin up and I'm also sorry that it took so long to write. I was dealing with writers block.

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