"Thank you for the courtesy of letting me know, Admiral", he said, looking at what was, for the moment, his CIC. "This crew won't let you down."

"I have no doubt of that, Commander. If you need anything, don't hesitate to contact me."

"Aye, sir."

The ships heading to Canceron had all made the course change, and they would be in orbit around Canceron in a few hours. "Steady as she goes, people", the Commander said, allowing himself a small breath to ease his own tension.


Abby Bond-Creider hadn't been left all by her lonesome in Lee's quarters. An MP was with her in case she needed anything. He had tried to relax her by getting her some water and asking her if there was anything else he could do for her. She thanked him for the water but advised him she just wanted to think for a while.

After about forty minutes with just the two of them, the door came open, and Admiral Adama, escorted by another MP, came through the door.

"Lee!" She ran to the Admiral, and they hugged tightly. To Abby, Lee was practically like an older brother. They had known each other since she was about sixteen, and he was no less a part of the family, in his own way, than Kara was.

Lee slowly rocked her in the hug. "Gods, Abby, I wish I knew what to say."

"Lee", she kissed him on the cheek, "you're not at fault for this. Nick knows the risks, just like dad did, and just as you and Kara know. He was doing something he loved. Now we just have to hope." She hugged him one more time.

Lee smiled at Abby. "I must say, the Bond women are amazing ladies", which made Abby laugh in spite of the tension. "How are you at the moment? Can I do anything for you?"

"No, I'm good Lee. Well, I could use another bottle of water, if it isn't too much trouble."

Lee didn't hesitate and fetched the water for her. "You don't need anything to eat at the moment?"

"No, Admiral, if I ate, I think I might barf at the moment", and that may Lee smile and laugh lightly.

"Uh, not in my quarters, please?", and they laughed again, as he took her hand. "I will tell you that we have a Search And Rescue that's being organized on the Division level, and should be down on the surface within a few hours. It'll probably take a couple more hours after that to have everything organized."

"So no real search at the moment?", she said bleakly.

"We have Raptors and Falcons overhead doing what they can. But the area we think he went down in is a thick forest, so it's tough to see", and then he added. "We can't start the ground search until we have enough manpower down there to do it safely, Abby."

The youngest Bond sighed. "I know that Lee, and trust me, I appreciate what you and they are doing, I didn't mean to sound ungrateful."

He smiled at her again. "Consider it a non-issue, Abby. In your shoes, I'd be a lot less calm than you are."

"Thanks, Lee", she said, brightening up a bit. "I just want them to find my brother...", which started her tears again. "I know he could be alive or dead, but I just want him and the other two found and brought home."

"And we will", he hugged her again. "I'm gonna remain here for a short while. Until the SAR is in place, I can be away from CIC for a while. Besides, your parents and your sister should be here in about twenty minutes."

Abby clasped his hand again. "Thanks for staying for a few, Lee. You're the best."


Part 5 Battlestar Galactica: Back To The Colonies: HomecomingsWhere stories live. Discover now