Chapter 5: Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)

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I'll protect you

Your P.O.V

You wake up in an apartment.

You sigh and get up, you find your phone on a table next to the bed. It seems that you go to the same day in each world. You think back to Zen. Your eyes tear up when you think about how little time you got to spend with Zen. Barely 24 hours, and then you died, you really didn't live that long of a life in that world.

But moving on, you didn't exactly understand where you were. An apartment could be literally anywhere. You looked out the window and immediately recognized that brick road. You were in Fairy Tail! That meant that you had a power of some sort.

Someone knocked at your door. You went to open it and saw Natsu standing there.

"Hi! I came to wake you up!" Natsu exclaimed with a toothy smile.

"Um, hi." You gave him a weak smile.

"Are you okay?" He asked, immediately concerned.

"I'm fine." You replied, not really sure. Outside, dark grey clouds covered the sky. The room immediately got darker. Huh?

"Is it your powers again?" He thought aloud.

"My powers?" You responded. What powers could you possibly have?

"Yeah, your Weather Powers." Natsu acknowledged.

"Oh." You said in an understanding voice, maybe too understanding.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He repeated.

"I'm fine, I promise, look, it's brighter now." You reassured pointing outside. Indeed it was, the stress lifted a little off your shoulders now that you knew a bit more about yourself. So I have Weather Manipulation powers that seem to link with my emotions . . . Weather Manipulation is really rare, which means I'm probably still learning how to control it. Which sucks, because being positive isn't really my thing.

"Well let's go to the guild! I'm thinking of just resting today, maybe go on a little walk around the area! I don't want to go on a mission." The excitement rushed back into his voice. You couldn't help but laugh a little, his enthusiasm was contagious and his energy seemed to be limitless.

"Okay, let me just get my stuff and I'll be there." You replied. You went back into your room and threw on a cropped navy blue hoodie over your burgundy tank top that had really long sleeves (that covered your hands), put on some black leggings, a pair of black, chunky heel combat boots and a simple choker necklace with a blood-red gem in the middle. You grabbed a black leather backpack, tossed in a notebook, a pen, your phone and you were ready to go.

"Let's go!" Natsu exclaims, pumping his fist in the air.

As you closed the door behind you, you realised something was missing.

"Where's Happy?" You asked looking around for the blue flying cat.

"He's already at the guild, there was a recent import of fish and he's trying to get Carla to have some with him." Natsu answered.

"Sushi's good." You murmured, craving some salmon.

"Hey maybe we should have some for lunch! But they always give us such small portions." Natsu suggested.

"You just have a big appetite, come to think of it, I've always been meaning to take a look at the shops here." You replied. You really liked the idea of walking around the several shops.

"Haven't you already walked around there multiple times?" Natsu wrinkled his nose.

"Yes I have, but I heard new shops have opened and they're selling new things. So I've been meaning to check them out." You fibbed getting the idea from the board of news they passed. It was full of papers regarding events coming up.

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