Entry 12

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Dear Diary,

This morning Rodney woke me up by calling so much. But, he made that up to me because he had a very pleasant surprise for me. He told me to get dressed and come by his house, lately Rodney has been doing so well and proving to me that he's a changed person, I'm excited about what he has in store for me. I decided on dressing comfortable today, so I threw on some leggings, an oversized Tupac shirt, and Balenciaga sneakers. I put my hair up into a messy but cute bone, layed down my edges, applied some mascara and lipgloss, and was ready to head out. When I got into my car, I began calling Rodney to let him know that I was on my way over, but he didn't answer. I decided to still drive to his house since he did wake me up out of my beauty sleep and he did invite me over. When I got there a familiar car was in the drive way, I just couldn't remember who it belonged to. I parked behind that car, and went up to his door, doing the beat that I always do when I come over. To my suprise, Rodney didn't answer the door, his little sister did, and when she jumped into my arms. One thing is I got along great with Rodney's family, they loved me. His little sister Maya is like the little sister I never had.

"Genta, I have to show you all my new stuff, come look" she said excitedly

"Okay, I'm coming" I said laughing, as she took off running towards her bedroom, and I followed closely behind her

"Look, Mommy redid my room because I'm a big girl now, and I need a big girl room"

"I love it Maya, how is my favorite first grader?"

"I don't like first grade, all the girls are mean, so I sit all alone at lunch, with this other girl, I forgot her name"

"Maya don't worry about those girls, they're only mean to you because you're prettier and flier than they will ever be. Remember if you don't got no haters..."

"You ain't poppin!" she finished of my sentence while dancing

"That's my girl! Now, where's your big headed brother, and why he let you open the door"

"He's in his room with a girl. He told me to stay in the room and not open the door, but then I heard your signature knock, and I had to open it because I miss you sooo much"

"I missed you too Maya! And what girl is this"

"I forgot, she kept trying to be my friend, but I was mean to her because I don't like her. She kept trying to touch Rodney, and I yelled at her and told her only you're allowed to touch him"

"Maya, you're so funny, and thank you. You stay in here and play, I'm gonna go find out who this girl is. Oh yeah and don't come out if you hear noise"

"Okay, beat her up good Genta!"

I looked back at her and laughed, she knew me so well. I left Maya's room, and went across the hall to Rodney's room. I opened up his door, and to my surprise, I saw Tiara preparing to get on top of him. At this point, I realized that I had to beat some sense into the bitch, I didn't give a fuck if she was naked or not. I tuned out what both of them was saying because all they were trying to do was plead, so they wouldn't get their ass beat, and I wasn't hearing it. I ran up on Tiara, she tried defending herself, and failed miserably, I slammed her onto the ground and began pounding in her face, I didn't plan on stopping. 

"You want to be me so fucking bad bitch. So bad that you had to come after my nigga? I was your friend when nobody else was. I let you stay in my house when you ain't have nowhere to go. Fed you when you had no food. Put clothes on your back when you ain't have shit. And this is how you pay me back? You  a bumass trifling ass bitch, and you're gonna burn in the pits of hell" I said

By this time, Rodney pulled me off of her, she had a swollen eye, bloody mouth and nose, but this damage wasn't enough for me, so I spit directly in her face, nasty I know, but the hoe deserved everything she got. Rodney though he was safe, but I got something for his ass too. I turned around and began swinging on him, he was trying to block my hits, but it was no use. The only thing he could do was hold onto my hands, but even when he did that I kneed him in his balls, and gave him a mean right hook. 

"And you bumass nigga, you came to my home, on my porch pleading for me to get back with you, all for you to do the same shit. The crazy thing is I thought you actually changed. You can have this dusty bitch. Just know you'll never have anyone like me again Rodney, don't ever try to talk to me or come near me or else you'll regret your decision, and that's on my dead" I said to him

After doing damage, I walked out his room, preparing to leave his house, that's when I heard a soft voice call out to me, "Genta, does this mean you're not my sister anymore?" Maya asked

"I will always be your sister, you have my number and mommy has my number whenever you want to hang out, just give me a call, and I'll pick you up" I said

"Yay okay, I'll call you later. And good job, you got them good"

I laughed and left out. I was driving home, but I had a change of heart, and was instead on my way to Darius' house. When I got there, only his car was in the drive way, thank goodness. I went to his door, and he opened it almost immediately. When he saw me, he looked confused.

All I said was, "He did it again", then the waterworks came down, and all he did was open his arms up to comfort me.


A crybaby ass savage Magenta <3  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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