Entry 11

17 1 0

September 8th

Life's been great, with a capital G!!! I enrolled in classes at USC as a fashion design major because lord knows I want to own my own fashion line. Mama has officially moved in with granny to keep a better eye on her, so it's just Derrick and I in this big house for now. She keeps the bills paid and money in our pockets. She keeps telling me that granny is gonna be okay, but I lowkey know that she isn't. So, all I can do is work hard to make my family proud of me.

Rodney and I we're better than ever. Are we together? No, but we're working on it. He's enrolled in USC also and is attending on a basketball scholarship, so we're together 99% of the time.

Apryl had high key moved in with us because her and Derrick are serious than ever. She's in school to become a licensed cosmetologist cause the college life isn't for her, and to be quite honest she's right. Cause I was thinking about dropping this whole college thing and doing modeling which is still on my mind.

Darius, he still comes around, we're not cool cause he's having a bitch fit about Rodney and I getting back at good terms. But, guess who doesn't give a flying fuck, Magenta doesn't. So, he could kiss my bright light ass, along with his trashy ass girlfriend.

👑 Magenta

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