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I wake up the next morning from a nightmare. I sigh and brush a hand through my hair. I try to go back to sleep but there's a knock on my door.

"Yes?" I answer, still half asleep. The door opens and Finnick is standing there.

"Good morning, Aqua," he says whilst leaning against the doorpost.

"Good morning, Finnick," I say and smile. He smiles back and then remembers why he came into my room in he first place.

"Oh, right. We're watching the reapings from yesterday. It would be best if you'd join us, I think it could really help you in the arena," he says and turns on his heel and leaves. I sigh and get out of bed.

I walk out of my room and go to where everyone else is sitting. I grab a piece of toast from the table and sit down on the couch. I came in at just the right time because they just started watching the reapings.

I watch as a 15 year old girl and 16 year old boy are reaped from District 1. They look deadly.

"Jasmine Dawntide and Hermes Flamsteed," Finnick whispers to me and I nod.

Next is District 2, a 18 year old girl and 17 year old boy. The boy specifically catches my eye. I didn't realize I am staring at him for so long before Finnick elbows me in the ribs.

"Owww," I whine and glare at him.

"Stop staring at Mason and pay attention," he scolds. I roll my eyes. Mason, huh? Cute.

"Mason who?" I ask innocently and Finnick looks at me suspiciously.

"Shacklett, why?" He asks and I shake it off.

"No reason," I say and Finnick narrows his eyes at me.

"No, Aqua. Not Mason!" He says.

"Why not?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Trust me on this, okay?" Finnick says and I slightly nod. "Good."

Why doesn't Finnick want me to be thinking about Mason? What is so wrong with him? I don't really pay attention to the rest of the reapings. After District 12, the screen turnes black. Finnick stands up and turns to Reaf and I.

"So lets backtrack. District 1 is Jasmine Dawntide and Hermes Flamsteed. District 2 is Silver Roxen and Mason Shacklett. District 3 is Aurora Copperwillow and Bolt Flux. District 5 is Flare Lockshire and Watt Farwood. District 6 is Kia Daygrove and Turbo Gallowpath. District 7 is Fawn Ambervale and Ash Heavenroot. District 8 is Lacey Brokade and Rayon McKaw. District 9 is Mazie Miller and Rye Kashan. District 10 is Belinda Crunchkin and Buck Brooks. District 11 is Willow Darbie and Thorn Milton. Lastly District 12 is Brooke Grease and Kolton Digory," Finnick says in one breath. I clap and he laughs at me.

"Most of these tributes look intimidating," Reaf says worried.

"Not Fawn," I giggle. The only thing I really remember from the video is when Fawn was reaped she had a sour face on that made me laugh.

"Don't worry, Reaf." Finnick says. "You'll be fine."

"Don't be stupid, Finnick. We all know I'm going to die. I have no chance in surviving. Just stop already," Reaf growls before he storms out of the room. My jaw drops. Wow. I turn to Finnick and he's expressionless.

"Usually the 12 year olds act like that," he explains.

Cleo claps, "Interviews, then?"

I roll my eyes, "Sure."


"Stand up straight, Aqua," Cleo complains. I groan.

"This is impossible," I say while wobbling.

"Walking in high heels is not that that hard," Annie says while laughing. I groan again.

"It is when you are carrying books on your head," I say, trying to balance the books.

"Okay I think that's enough training for today," Finnick says, laughing at me.

"Yes!" I cheer a bit and jump. Bad mistake, the books fly off my head and onto my feet. I grab at my feet but the high heels trip me.

On the floor I say, "Owwwww."

Finnick bursts out laughing and Annie hits him. He covers his mouth but still laughs. I roll my eyes and get up.

Before Cleo asks I say, "I'm fine."

"Maybe you should lay down. We wouldn't want you in bad shape for the games in a few days," Cleo says and I nod.

"Goodnight," I say and leave the room.

"Goodnight, Aqua," I hear.

Once I'm in my room I realize, I'm going into the Hunger Games soon.

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