

The warriors screeched in their joy at such a sight, even going far a to jump around in circles. They caught your attention again, you hopped down the course pile towards them. When they saw you approach them, they froze. Your movements were clumsy and you constantly stumbled, your mothers tail was following you cautiously, ready to catch you should you fall. But you stayed on your feet, reached the frost of the warriors. They bowed their heads down low as a mark of respect, you pressed your own domed skull against the closest. Instantly, you could sense every fibre of her being. You could see inside her mind, inside her very being.

She was thinking about how honoured she was to be touched by the new prince, how happy she was with his birth. She was ecstatic at how well you had done so far, you'd just hatched a few minutes and already displayed the first signs of an excellent Prince.

"Strong." You told her mentally, speaking to her telepathically. She swelled with pride at your compliment, you doubted she could have been more thin this moment. You pulled your head back, losing the connection. She kept her head low, though she looked like she might explode from the vibrations going through her from pure joy. You stumbled, almost falling as your mother caught you with her tail. Raising you to her large head she opened her mouth and extended her jaws, opening inviting you climb on. You did without a word, ready to carry on.

"Proud." She told you, making you immensely happy. You'd only been alive for a short time, yet you'd already proven yourself somehow. You didn't know how, but you know you did. You gazed out the queens mouth, peering out into the hive. The queen had taken you back to the central chamber, before nestling down on the ground in her usual spot. She tipped you out gently, curling herself around you protectively. You laid down, rolling in your back and flexing your tail. Your mother lifted one of her Secondary hands and grabbed you, tickling your underbelly causing you cry out in gurgling laughter. The sound caused the other xenomorphs to excitedly dance around, all of them gathering around. They sat around the queens tail, gazing down at you playing with your mother.

The queen looked down at you while you slept, watching over you protectively. She had been planning this for a long time, today finally being the day she was rewarded for her efforts. For the first time she was emotionally attached to one of her children, she lost warriors, drones and even Praetorians in the past. Yet if she lost this prince, she'd be devastated. She'd chosen his host well, since you'd displayed the capability for telepathy.

You also been able to communicate with the warrior naturally, not just the display of telepathy but also made her thrilled with you. In that moment you'd set himself as encouraging prince worth fighting for, it would mean you'd have no problem attracting a mate should you ever find a princess.

The queen moved her head closer to you, sniffing to make sure nothing had gone wrong. You were in prime physical health, nothing to worry over. The queen gave something akin to a sigh, worried for your future.

The next day you awoke before your mother, still in the small circle she'd created when she curled up. It was a good way to keep any sneaking threats away, although somewhat redundant when your already living in the centre of a hive whose borders travel at least two miles in every direction.

Still within your first few hours of life and you were now bored, since you were just laying around next to your mother doing nothing. Scuttling attacked your attention, a sound you hadn't yet heard. You climbed over your mothers tail easily, then leaping down onto the ground.

A facehugger moved towards you, stopping just inches from your face. You leaned your head in to sniff it, recognising it as part of the hive. It saw you as one of the colony as well, but it didn't bow or move at all. You rested your head against it, much like you did with the warrior. You were surprised that the facehugger had no complex thoughts, other then to find a host.

You watched it run off, deciding to give chase. You scamper after it playfully, fascinated by the way it scuttled along. It went into the catacombs, looking for a host. There were several humans who'd already been impregnated, as well as some who'd already had their chests bursted.

A chestbuster gave a loud screech, then slivered past you. You hissed and she stopped to face you as you raised a clawed arm towards your newborn sister, who happily pressed her head against your hand. You jumped around, inviting her to play.

The chestburster was more then happy to oblige, she slithered around you like a snake. Rolling around you tried to push her off, wrestling playfully. The two of you tried to pin down the other, though you won easily. Then you ran around the hive together, gaining some of the attention of the adults. A drone approached and supervised, just in case things got out of hand.

Unfortunately your new friend had to go and feed, since she had a duty to the hive and needed to grow. You gave a small huff, yet there was still more of the hive to explore. The drone stayed with you, though a warrior soon took over for added protection.

"Where is he!" Came a sudden eruption from the queen, panicked at your disappearance. She must have awoke and been spooked by the fact you weren't there, now the entire hive was scrambling to find you. Thankfully the crisis was soon averted by the warriors loud cries.

"Here! Here!" She mentally shouted, as well as physically shouting to gain as much attention as possible. It took only a few seconds before the loud stomping of the queen running to vibrate through the floor, she must have been sprinting to get to you.

"Mother." You greeted as she arrived, you were completely calm. At no point had you been in any harm, since you were still in the heart of the colony. But apparently that still scared the queen, though once she analyses the situation she calmed down a little.

"Stay with me." She commanded, extending your jaws for you to climb in. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't protect you forever. Eventually, she'd have to let you leave the hive to explore the city and train, the eventual goal being for you to leave the colony forever.

King of the Xenomorphs (Male Xenomorph Reader)Where stories live. Discover now