"Women are always complicated,"I answered.

"But Kou-kun....you're the one....who upset her,"Azusa told me quietly. I frowned at him.

"Like I said. Women are complicated. You say one tiny thing and they cry about it,"I reply.

"It wasn't one tiny thing, Kou. You took it too far,"Yuma told me. I glanced at everyone and sighed.

"Should I apologize?"I asked, frowning. I hated apologizing. It was tiresome and annoying. It was something I didn't want to go do, especially to a human like her. Though I often forget....I was once human. I suppose I'll do it if they tell me I should....

"Yes,"Ruki spoke. I sighed and headed upstairs.

"Fine. Waste of time,"I muttered, annoyed. I walked and found her room, stopping when I heard sounds. I opened her door and saw her sitting on the bed, listening to music. She was staring at the window in the room, singing to the music lightly. I stood quietly, listening to her. My eyes widened as I listened. Her voice was amazing.

"Hello. I've waited here for you...everlong,"Natsumi sang quietly. "Tonight. I throw myself into, and out of the red, out of her head she sang." I recognized the song and waited for the music to start the part I knew. When it got there I began.

"Come down, and waste away with me,"I sang. Natsumi jumped and turned to stare at me. "Down with me. Slow how. You wanted it to be, I'm over my head, out of her head she sang."  Natsumi stared at me.

"You know Foo Fighters?"She asked. I shrugged.

"I am an idol, after all,"I replied. She gaped at me.

"What? Really?"Natsumi asked, shocked. I sighed.

"Yes, really. Geez, I sure wish more people knew about me,"I replied. She frowned.

"What do you want?"She asked. I raised an eyebrow. "What do you want? Why are you here? My blood?"I frowned.

"I actually came to apologize for my crude behavior,"I answered. She rolled her eyes.

"How weird. An apology from a vampire,"Natsumi chuckled, lightly. "I usually kill vampires like you when they apologize. Begging and on their knees, they scream "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it". It's quite humorous. Not that I find killing things humorous, I mean, I meant the fact that blood drinking villains begged for mercy and tried to apologize." I gazed at her, my eye slowly turning red. I read her heart and frowned. She really kills things, huh? But she does feel remorse for it.....she's still aching for that Sakamaki as well. Damn, what would make her want a guy like that? It pisses me off. I walk towards her and sit on the bed. "What?"

"I really am sorry. I was pretty harsh,"I told her. "You know, I read people's hearts."

"I figured that out myself. Your eye turns red,"Natsumi replied. I gazed at her, observing her.

"You know, you're pretty cute,"I told her. She frowned.

"Don't lie,"Natsumi sighed at me. My eye, which was still reading her heart, turned normal. She truly believes she's ugly.....damn, if it was up to me, I'd make sure she'd stay here forever. Not just for our damned plan. I sighed and stood back up. "I accept your apology." I gazed down at her and looked away.

"No problem, Cutie,"I answered and I left.

Subaru's POV

I slammed my hand into a wall again.

"Subaru, calm down,"Yui told me, calmly. I ground my teeth and looked back at her. We were standing in the living room, after we'd stopped searching for the night.

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