Dongwoo: Jinjja? *takes her arm* Come up! You can watch our rehearsal and afterwards you can finish the song with Myungsoo! *opens the door* Go in!

Akiko: Thank you *bows*

Dongwoo: You're the girlfriend of Myungsoo, you don't have to thank me! *laughs & walks in*

I watched the rehearsal. They were really good, everyone of them is an important part of their group. Now I also get why everybody is going crazy when they see them.

The rehearsal went until 9 pm, so when Myungsoo finally was free it was really late. He said goodbye to the members and wished them a good sleep. When the members left, we were alone in the room. He pushed the piano, who was in a corner, into the middel of the room.

Practice Room

Akiko: *walks to the window and stares outside* What a beautiful sight! *whispers*

Myungsoo: Akiko?

Akiko: Yes?

Myungsoo: I have to change my cloth! If you want you can start practicing the first part of the song. When I'm back we can finish it, okay?

Akiko: Yeah...Sure *walks to the piano & sits down*

I started practicing and half an hour later, Myungsoo came back.

Myungsoo: Did you wrote anything for the song the passed days?

Akiko: Eh..Yes *shows it to him*

Myungsoo: really good

Akiko: Thank you *blushes*

Myungsoo: We'll sing the song as if it was for only two people, okay?

Akiko: S-sure

Myungsoo: So we have to sing it also in two-voices! You have to sing it high because you're the girl, okay?

Akiko: Sure

We finished the song and practiced it as many times as we could but suddenly I couldn't anymore and I fell asleep.

Myungsoo: Akiko? *shakes her* Are you awake?

Akiko: *sleeps*

Myungsoo: You're really sleeping! *stands up* Then we have to go to my and the members dorm! *takes her coat and her bag & calles a taxi driver*

Myungsoo: I'll bring the things into the taxi and I'll come and take you down later, okay? Don't leave! *looks to her*

Akiko: *sleeps*

Few Minutes Later

Myungsoo: I hope you aren't heavy! *takes her on his back&walks down*

Taxi Driver: Should I open the door?

Myungsoo: Yes please!

Taxi Driver: *opens the door*

Myungsoo: Thank you *puts her into the car&goes in too*

Taxi Driver: Where should I bring you?

Myungsoo: Can you bring us to this address? *shows him his phone*

Taxi Driver: Sure! *starts the car* Aren't you Kim Myungsoo?

Myungsoo: Yeah...Why?

Taxi Driver: I just was curious...And this Probably is Kim Akiko? Your girlfriend...right?

Myungsoo: Yes! *smiles* I think so...*looks at her*

The car stopped 10 minutes later and Myungsoo took Akiko on his back and brang her up into the dorm. He opened the door silent and went into his room.

Dongwoo's & Myungsoo's Room

Myungsoo: *puts her things down* I'll hope you can sleep here! *puts Akiko on his matress on the ground&puts his blanket on her*

Dongwoo: Myungsoo? *whispers* Is this you?

Myungsoo: Yes! *whispers* Could you take your matress and sleep in the living room?

Dongwoo: Why? *whispers*

Myungsoo: Akiko fell asleep while we were practicing, so I thought she could sleep in our doorm! *whispers*

Dongwoo: Okay...But were are you going to sleep? *whispers*

Myungsoo: On the ground *whispers*

Dongwoo: Ah..then..Sleep well..*walks out with his matress and sleeps in the living room*

Myungsoo: *sits down on the ground* You're cute when you sleep, Akiko! *kisses her forhead* I'm sorry for everything if've done to you...but I'll hope we can be together in a real realationship...Sleep well..! *lies down&starts sleeping*

[Infinite's Kim Myungsoo]The Letter to youWhere stories live. Discover now