Chapter 7

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I miss you

Although I should have gone to Woollim, I didn't went there.

Today I went to University and there on my seat, I saw a book.

Class Room

Akiko: Huh? *takes the book up* Ah...That's dad's diary! *presses it against her body* I have it back *whispers*

Class started. I couldn't concentrate. I didn't knew what was written in the diary, only that my dad's brother died. And the worst thing was, I didn't knew where Myungsoo was but I had to accept the fact that I'll never see him again. After the lesson, I went outside the building and started to read.

23rd of December

It's all my fault. I'm happy now but he isn't! He suffers, no he suffers because of me!

My brother. My little brother. I'm sorry!

I can't be her anymore. I'm sorry for everything brother and now I'll leave you forever, here, at this place.

Why had everything to go like this? I could have an uncel and the rest of my family but I can't change anything. Everything happened because of a reason and probably if this wouldn't have happened I never met him, Myungsoo. But now I don't have him anymore and now I realized that I miss him. I miss him so much.

After the thing that happened, the girls and also Yuna don't speak with me or neither look in my eyes. It's okay like it is now, so I don't have to speak with them. The teacher metioned again, that we have to present the song on the 24th and I only could hope that Myungsoo would come.

I went to the practice room, here in the university and I started to work on the rest of the song, when suddenly my phone rang. I thought it would be Yoko because she's the only person who knows my number.

Phone Call

Akiko: Yoko? I'm happy you call!

Caller: *silent*

Akiko: Yoko?

Caller: It's Myungsoo

Akiko: Myungsoo? *blushes* I thought you were my friend...Sorry

Myungsoo: It's okay...Could we meet at Woollim?

Akiko: For what? *happy*

Myungsoo: We have to finish the song, so it's the best if we finishe it in Woollim. I can't come to university because we're practicing right now

Akiko: Ah...*sad* Okay

Myungsoo: Then see you later in 20 minuets!

Akiko: Eh...Yeah

Myungsoo: *hung up*

Akiko: Jinjja?! Is this everything? *puts her head on the piano* He doesn't wants anything of me...Just get it in your head!!

I packed my things and walked out of the Building. Outside the building a car was waiting. Firstly I just ignored it but when the driver came out of the car and said he would bring me to woollim, I got into the car.

When we got to woollim, I directly walked up to the practice room but they were still practicing, so I waited outside the room, until Dongwoo came out.

Outside the Practice Room

Dongwoo: *opens the door* Huh? Akiko? Why are you waiting outside?

Akiko: Ah...I'm waiting for Myungsoo...We have to finish a song for university but I saw that you all were practicing, so I didn't wanted to disturb you

[Infinite's Kim Myungsoo]The Letter to youNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ