Chapter 7

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I'm so nervous! Everyone is doing so well..and I'm a new artist what if they don't like me? Aish..I walked through the whole bachstage and then the staff stopped me and send me back to the main backstage room.

Backstage Room

Onew: What's wrong?

Youngmin: Nothing

Onew: Really?

Youngmin: Ne!

Jonghyun: Onew do you come? It's our turn now!

Onew: Yeah...I'm coming! See you later...Good luck *smiles&walks away*

Youngmin: Aish...What should I do?

10 minutes later

D.O: Youngmin are you here?

Youngmin: Y-yes

D.O: They told me to look after you...Did something happen?

Youngmin: No!

D.O: Are you nervous?

Youngmin: N-no

D.O: You don't have to be nervous! You're talented and...they all will like you..*smiles* I'm sorry...we didn't spoke together...I-I just wanted to

Staff: Youngmin? It's your turn!

Youngmin: N-ne...I'm coming! Can you tell me this later? *walks away*

D.O: *murmurs* sure

I got on stage and walked to the piano. Nobody clapped or screamed, it was just very quiet. Altough I was really nervouse I started to play the first song and it was written by Jonghyun. The world around me started to go away and I only heard the music and I started to sing.

Suddenly the crowd started to sing the chorus together with me and they clapped and screamed. I started to play the next song...written by me and I was happy that I finally could play.

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