The right shade

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Stiles' POV:

Jackson finishes as we make it to school, and I go to climb out the car until he grabs my arm and pulls me back in, making me wince.

"Here." He spits. Throwing a tub at me.

"What is it?" I ask and he rolls his eyes in impatience.

"Can you not fucking read?" He sneers, and I look over the top of the tub to see the words.

'FOUNDATION.'  In block letters.

"Makeup?" I ask and he opens the mirror above my head, to which I gasp and stare at myself.

A black eye, and a massive bruise across my face.

"Keep your head down... Go to the toilets, and cover it up." He snaps, before smiling and kissing me passionately.   "Love toy princess have a nice day."

"Love you too." I mumble, before rushing out and pulling my hood on...

I do as he says, rushing into the toilets, and pulling out the make up.

Putting a blob on my face, over the bruised areas and rubbing it in as I hiss In pain.

"Wow Stiles. You sure know how to pick em..."  I sigh to myself as I stare at the master piece I created in front of me in the mirror.

I sigh, rubbing my eyes free of tears before walking out of the toilets to where I bump into someone.

"Sorry." I flinch, keeping my head down, but that particular someone pulls me back.

"Stiles?"   I look up to see Lydia giving me an odd look.  "Are you wearing makeup?" She giggles prodding at my face...

"You can see it?" I ask worried, and she nods with a smile on her face.

"Yep. If your gonna wear it, at least wear the right shade." She laughs.

She moves to wipe it off, and I move back too late as she smudges some off.  The playful look on her face, turning to a dark and serious one.

"W-What?" I ask, worry dripping off each letter as it spills out of my cut lips.

She pulls me into a classroom, staring at my face.

"Tell me the truth... Are you wearing makeup to cover up bruises?" She asks, and I hesitate to find a way out, but nothing comes out as my mouth moves open and closed on its own with no noise escaping.

"Yes." I eventually say ashamed, looking down to my feet as I start to cry.

She takes my face in her hands as she calms me down, telling me it'll be okay as she washes off all the foundation.

"Come with me."  She whispers.

I let her guide me out of school and into her car where she pulls out and drives us away.

"Don't take me to the station please. Please. He said he'll hurt my dad. I lost one of them Lydia. I can't lose both." I sniff, but she pats my leg in reassurance as she pulls up at the loft a few minutes later.

We climb out walking up to the loft, where she goes in and talks to Derek.

"Stiles. Come in." She calls and I shuffle in slowly.

"So, what's so important you dragged him out of school?" Derek grunts and I look down with my hood over my head.

"Stiles." Lydia says... "It's okay..." she says again, and I look up, pushing my hood down so, my bloodied, blacked up face shows.

He looks at me, as emotion passes over his face, eventually falling onto worry and anger, as he runs in front of me and holds my face.

"What happened?!" He snaps and I flinch into the corner away from him as I hide my face.

"Don't hurt me." I cry, and he even lets tears fall himself as he walks over to me, and holds my hands by my side.

"Stiles....  Did your dad do this?" He asks and I shake my head, bowing my head at the thought of my dad.   "Jackson?" He asks and I whimper.

"Yes...." Lydia answers for me and he hits the wall next to me head as he heads for the door.

"I'm gonna rip his throat out!"

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