Everything's okay, big guy

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Stiles' POV:

He gives me a lob sided smile, and I try not to wince from the pain in my arm.

"Awesome, well, I hope I'm not stealing him away from anything special, but can I borrow Stiles for a few?" He asks towards Jackson, and I tense in his grip, remembering yesterday after leaving.

I laugh to hide my fear, shaking my head. "Scott, buddy, can you not hold on until after school?" I ask, smiling, looking up to Jackson who growls slightly.

"Buddy, it's important..." He says, widening his eyes, so I chuckle nervously, pulling out of Jackson's grip.

"Heyyyy baby, is it alright if I go with Scott, and I'll make it up to you later?" I ask, biting my lip in anxiousness, and he glares at me softly, before nodding and smiling his fake act.

"Of course you'll make it up to me, have fun with Scott." He smirks, and I gulp, nodding and walking to Scott's side. "See you later honey." He winks, and I smile and wave, turning to walk away.

Scott links his arm with mine, and I close my eyes tightly, momentarily, knowing this looks so much worse than what it is.

I shake the thought from my mind as we walk out to the car park and over to my jeep.

"What're we doing?" I ask quietly, looking around and he shoves his phone into my hands, as I look and read the text.

Urgent pack meeting! Everyone off school and get here now!

We jump In the jeep, speeding off the the loft... And I stare at the school, as I see Jackson watching from the classroom window, making me gulp.

"You alright buddy?" Scott asks, smiling to me, and I look over... A massive grin plastered across my face.

"Never better! Jackson's taking me out for dinner soon." I wink, and he chuckles.

"I'm actually so glad you've found a decent guy now.  Not a jackass like the others." He sighs, and I nod in agreement biting my lip.

We pull up at the loft, both of us jumping out and heading over to the door as it slides open and Isaac tackles us through to the sofa.

I laugh as he pokes my rib, and everyone joins in, until Derek growls and they all move away.

"So Stiles? How's the boyf?" Erica asks, and I pull the mastered smile as I steady my heartbeat.

"Fantastic! I was just telling Scotty that he's taking me out for a meal, so you know, all exciting and cute." I say, forcing myself to blush.

They all squeal, until Derek growls again, and they all hold they're hands up.      Derek's pretty sexy when he's mad though...

Shut up...

We all move around the table as he starts to talk, using his eyebrows to do most of the explaining.

"We've narrowed it down, to a small handful of supernatural suspects...   We're getting there, But I need you, Isaac and Boyd, to look up any new people to the area, and then to look at past unsolved cases... Stiles, since your dads the sherif. You can do that." He states and I nod.

"Awesome."  I agree, but he rolls his eyes and moves away.  "What. That's it?"  I ask, and he nods making everyone groan in annoyance.

We all decide to sit and chat instead, and I forget about everything as I get some decent bonding time with the rest of the pack.

We're thinking about going away, for a weekend in the woods or something... You know... Together.

Derek's even stood with us all, staring at me kinda eerily, but I shake it off and continue to laugh around with the others.

My phone bleeps after a decent few hours, so I crease my eyebrows in and look to my phone.

Get. Home. Now...

I gulp, my heart rate picking up, my efforts to slow it down failing terribly, and everyone looks to me slowly going quiet.

I stand and make my way to the door, acting normal.

"Well, I best be off guys, awesome pack meeting." I rush, and I'm about to leave until Derek grabs my arm.

"What happened?" He asks, looking into my eyes, and I shake my head chuckling.


He growls, pushing me into the wall and I try not to break down and tell him... Because...  Jackson said he'll hurt my dad.

"Stiles..." He grits, so I force a laugh.

"Everything's okay, big guy.  My dad wanted me to pick up lunch." I lie, and he looks deeper into my eyes, as if he knows I'm lying, but he sighs, giving up and letting me go.

"See you later buddy, thanks for the lift, say hey to your dad for me." Scott calls and everyone shouts the same, not noticing my emotions since I've hiding them again, so I nod and salute them all, holding back the tears.

"Will do guys. See you later."

I walk out, shutting the door behind me, my hands shaking as I pull out my phone and type back a reply.

On my way...

I take another look of the loft before climbing into my jeep and heading home.

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