One off?

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Stiles POV:

I couldn't be awake any quicker ... Jackson wants me to meet him in the changing rooms before lacrosse and I have never been more excited.

Before my dad has the chance to come up and get me out of bed, I jump out from the covers and into the bathroom to have a shower.

Someone likes me... Somebody actually likes me.  Which is actually kind of odd, since, I'm so utterly nerdy and nobody has actually cares about me except Scott.

After my shower I get changed into a white shirt with a Red flannel and dark blue jeans with my converse, sprinting down the stairs and into the kitchen where my dad is sat looking through some sheriff documents.

It takes him a few seconds to realise that I'm there and he looks to me with a raised eyebrow, placing the documents down slowly.

"Your up early... Who died?" He jokes, and tut, searching around for my car keys, until I hear the jingle to my left.  I quickly turn to see my dad wiggling them in between his fingers, so I scoff and walk over trying to grab them from his hands.

"Daaaaad!" I huff, and he chuckles, handing them to me.

"What's the rush?" He asks, giving me a knowing look so I smile and blush as I scratch the back of my neck.  "Or shall I say who's the rush." He smirks and I blush harder.

"Just a guy from school, he asked me out yesterday."

"And who's this boy?" He questions, crossing his arms in an attempt to be intimidating but I just roll my eyes and push past him.

"Can you save the interrogation for after school? I need to get there, or I'll be late." I ask and he nods slowly.  "Thanks da, love you." I give him a quick kiss on the cheek, before opening the door and running off to my jeep.

"Love you! Be safe." He calls after me, so I grin and nod as I drive off down the road.

I drive via Scott's to pick him up, and he jumps in, gripping me in a head lock.

"Scott!" I laugh, gabbing his ribs and he laughs straight back, dodging back from my hand and letting me go.

"Soooo, you seeing Mr. Tall and gorgeous today?" He winks, and I bite my lip and nod.

"I am! And I can't wait. It feels too long since I've seen him." I smile and he cringes as I start the car and drive off to school.

"You saw him yesterday." He shrugs, and I poke him again.

"I've slept since then dumbass, and your not coming so I'll see you in bio." I smirk, knowing he's going to say something.

"Wha- why?!   Wait, if it's blondilocks, best friends before boyfriends right?" He pouts, so I chuckle and park up, climbing out as he follows.

"There's a reason best friend and boyfriend both begin with BF, because they're both one and the same." I counter, and he strops and walks towards the school building.

"Whatever... Have fun... I'll see you in bio." He shouts, blowing me a kiss, so I laugh and blow one back.

I end up nearly sprinting over to the changing rooms, walking through and looking around quickly for Jackson.

"Jackson?" I call, and he walks from around the locker to see me.

"Heyyyy beautiful." He smiles, and my heart flutters and I blush as he grabs my waist and kisses me softly, to which I comply and wrap my arms around his neck.

He bites hard onto my lip and I let out a breathless moan, until people walk in and he pulls away, walking to his locker and pulling it open.

I grin to myself, until I feel blood enter my mouth and I bring my hand to my face, moving it away to see it's from my lip.

I shrug, licking it away, moving to my own locker, opening it up and setting my bag down.

I pull my flannel off, and pull my shirt over my head, slinging it in my locker, until I get turned and pushes into the locker.

I gasp at the impact, seeing Jackson with a face full of anger, as he grips my arm and squeezes it tight...    Really, really tight, and I think he's about to break my arm until I whimper and my eyes tear up.

"Your hurting me." I whine, and he looks at my arm, squeezing harder before letting go completely, giving me sorry eyes.

"I'm sorry.  I just don't want you getting changed where everybody can see your body.  It's mine, nobody else's. Got it?" He questions and I nod quickly, instantly forgetting about the searing pain in my wrist as he smiles, and kisses my cheek.  "Good boy, quickly get changed and get changed on your own next time, or I won't be all too happy." He whispers, and I nod happily, pulling on my jersey.

"Sure." I agree, and he beams patting my head.

"Thanks babe."  He walks off, getting changed and I run out onto the field as lesson starts, until I see Scott sat on the bleachers.

I give him a quick wave, running off and doing some shots and laps, until coach tells us to go.

"Remember, get changed somewhere else, and I'll wait for you for bio alright?" Jackson says.

"Of course, I'm just gonna say hey to Scott and I'll get dressed." I smile, and his smile drops as he looks over to Scott, but he nods and jogs off.

I walk over to Scott, who eyes me weirdly, and I nudge his arm.

"What's wrong?" I ask, and he shrugs.

"You two are already making me feel sick." He laughs so I push him until he grabs my arm and pulls it in front of his face.  "What the hell is that?" He asks.

"What's what?" I ask, confusion written on my face until I see what he's talking about.

Right around my wrist is a giant purple mark, and I gasp pulling my arm and inspecting it closer.

If he knows Jackson did this, he'll kill him... But It was only an accident.

"Didn't even realise I had that." I shrug, and he gives me an odd look but shrugs too as we walk to the changing rooms.

It was only a one off.....

It's not even that bad...

"So, what exactly are you doing over here?" I ask as we walk in and he has a triumphant look on his face.

"Sir didn't come, so everyone left,  thought I'd come see you since I have nothing better to do.   Anyway, what did you and Jackson do, since I wasn't there?" He asks, giving me a small nudge, and I giggle and blush.

"Nothing." I smile,  looking down to my wrist as I rub it.  "Nothing at all."

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