My new toy

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There will only be one Dipper so I don't have to specify by last name!! Just a little clarification for the readers who might be


Dipper's POV
"Dear sister it's been a week, nothing seems to be enjoyable anymore." I said to my sister, Mabel.

"Dear brother you seem to forget we have all the resources you need to have some lively fun." She pointed to the Journal resting on my desk. I smirked at her words. Of course, it's not like we have to tell Stanford.

"Well I have been reading and I'm sure we could have some fun with this..~" I flipped through and through the pages until I found it.

"William Cipher. Dream demon. Summon for uses such as power, control, and eternal binds."

Mabel made her way to my side reading and looking at the pages all around. "Come brother, we'll get what we need and take what's ours." She walked out of my study.

3rd Person POV
The two Gleeful twins met in an abandoned building to prevent disturbances. If looks could kill, these two would've committed mass genocide.

Dipper had already set up candles and drew a pentagram big enough for a person to sit in the center. Mabel, with Journal in hand was guiding Dipper. After finishing and adding the last touches, Dipper took the Journal and began reading the incantation.

"You've come to my call. I take your essence, body, and soul to bide by mine. The moon, sun, sky, and ground have no say! You will remain in this world as long as the chains of our deal hold you here. WILLIAM CIPHER COME TO MY SIDE!"

Dipper had launched out his own magic and for a moment the twins were engulfed in darkness. The damp room had lit blue. The candles flame had went from a warm yellow to a piercing blue. Mabel and Dipper stared as the flames became to form something, or rather someone.

Dipper's eyes matched the color of the flames. The flames disappeared and in place of the them sat a boy who was dressed in blue. He had a pale skin tone, a permanent mark of an eye on his forehead, a light blue vest accompanied by a white button up underneath and bow tie. His eyes were also a blue color, very light. Last he had a small floating top hat.

Dipper smirked and walked over to him. He looked at him sitting in the pentagram before extending his hand to him.

Will was already familiar with the gesture. He slowly extended his own hand to Dipper until their hands met. They were both covered in the same blue flame.

The deal had been made. Mabel snapped her fingers and got the attention of both boys. "Come along dear brother." She said, eyeing Will as well. Mabel was often kinder to most than Dipper. Still as violent and menacing as ever though. She left the room and waited for the two of them, back at the manor. The brown haired boy looked at Will, his blue eyes revealing all the lust he had for his new power over him. Will shivered slightly at his looks. Dipper waved his hand and glowing chains had appear over Will's hands.

He stood up from the ground and hung his head. "I am now at your service...Master." He spoke timidly and with submission. Dipper lifted Will's chin with his finger.

There it was again, that lust in his eyes.

"My new toy, here you are~"

The Feeling is Mutual • Will x Dipper Gleeful (Rev. Falls) △ △ △Where stories live. Discover now