I roll my eyes. "Well she wouldn't have had to mop if she never went with-" I cut off and shake my head. "Nevermind."

Dinah sighs and leans against my locker. "Can you really move on from everything she did?"

I open my locker and grab my book. "I'll never know unless I really try, right?"

Dinah nods her head. "And if you can't?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Then I can't."

"It's not that simple." She says.

"Yeah, but it'll have to be. If something can't work, then why must I feel bad about saying no?"

"Because you love her?"

"If at the end of the day I realize I can't be with her it won't be because I don't love her. It'll be because what she did hurts too much. Our love would become toxic because I could never move on and it wouldn't help either of us if that happened."

Dinah nods and suddenly smiles. "Whose the wise one now?"

I laugh and hit her side. "Funny."


As I walk towards the lunch room I see Lauren walking towards me with a stack of papers. She stops right in front of me and smiles.

"Hi." She whispers.

"Hey," I answer back. "What with all the papers?"

She looks down at it and smiles wider. "For you." She stretches her hand out for me to grab the stack.

"Me?" I say confused.

She nods her head. "From me to you. Take it."

I nod my head and reach my hand forward. "What is it?"

She shrugs. "Read it and see." I grab the papers and try to flip over the first page but she shakes her head.

"Not when im around." I nod my head and start walking back towards my locker.

"I'll meet you in the cafe." I say to her and she nods and walks away.

As I shove the papers into my locker I pull out the first sheet of papers.


The reasons why I love you rolls off my tongue so easily. I know you said you want to ease into this but I can't because when you love someone as much as I love you, holding back your feelings become impossible.

I love you Camz & I won't ever stop.

I smile widely and grab the second page.

Reason one on why I love you. Your smile. As cliche as that might sound it's true. Whenever your excited about something your eyes twinkle and your beautiful smile could blind someone. I especially love your smile when you squint your eyes and tilt your head up and smile with your teeth not showing. It's adorable. It's one of your most beautiful features Camila. Don't ever lose it okay?

Reason number dos. Your butt. Sorry I had too, it's just so perfect that I can't leave it out.

I laugh loudly and shake my head. She always said she loves my butt. I turn my head to look at mine, I guess it's nice?

Turning back to the paper I start to reason number three.

Reason number three is not something I can label it as. Number three is just because I love you. I love you the moment I met you, almost as if we were destined. I just do and always will.

Now Camz I wrote this so you could read three reasons a day so please don't spend all today reading it. Now come on, come meet me in the cafe.

Putting the paper back in my locker I smile widely as I walk towards the lunch room.

I've had enough (Possibilities sequel)Where stories live. Discover now