Chapter One: Before We Start

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It's Saturday. It's fucking Saturday!

I was supposed to be home watching the last episodes of 'House' on Netflix with nothing but my underwear on, few boxes of half eaten pizzas by the chair, and possibly popcorn sprayed around the room for some, what I'd call, much needed mess for watching said series. There was no shame in that. But my friend, Zoe, had other special plans which she deemed far more important.

Cheerleading practice.

I wasn't really planning on becoming a cheerleader, but I consider Zoe my best friend; and when a friend asks (begs on her knees) you to join the squad, you join the squad (in exchange of a huge bag of gummy bears) because that's what friends do. All kidding aside, Zoe and I have been friends since 5th grade. If she asked me without the gummy bears, I would've said yes... provided she do some favors for me, cause what are friends for!

For her it was effortless. I mean, she practiced gymnastics! With her blonde hair, long legs, peppy attitude and 'Let's go!' personality, she was practically made to be a cheerleader. I, on the other hand, with my brown hair, five feet tall, and tan skin was made for contemporary dance. I love how I can translate music through my body, express the meaning behind a song with every twist and bend I do. It may sound cheesy, but I do miss it.

It sucks when your beloved mother deemed such talent as a waste of her daughter's time. From then on, we made sure not to let my mother know of my cheerleading.

My mom wasn't really running for 'World's Best Mom' award, and neither was hers. My mom works at the chemical plant, Zoe's mom was a waitress at a diner. Our moms weren't exactly the stay-at-home type since both of our dads are gone, but I don't really want to think about that much. Most days, I would crash at Zoe's place; we'd play with the twins, have LeShaen and Monkey (Noodle) over, and play house like everything's okay. Her mom wasn't around much. On rare occasions where she stumbles in through the front door, drunk out of her mind, with some asshole pulling her to the nearest bedroom, we knew the drill. Zoe packs hers' and the twins' bags for the night, and comes over my house. My mom wouldn't mind, she doesn't come home much since my dad.

I'm lucky to have Zoe around; she's like my sister in a way. She can be crazy annoying when she forces me out of my comfort zone, like cheerleading per se, but in the end I'm thankful. Without her, I would've stayed in my little cocoon of dance and movies, alone. Also, it's because of her I got to meet LeShaen who, at first, I was not so hot with. He was the captain of the school's basketball team. When I found out about him and Zoe, all I can think about was her getting a broken heart from a player. I'm ashamed to say that I judged him too quickly; all I can think of was how he was taking advantage of Zoe, using her to get some when he's bored. Yeah, those movies really got in my head. In the end, I did apologize to both of them. I 'blessed' their relationship to show my approval. Of course, a best friend CANNOT be in a relationship without the best friend's blessing. That's like a law.

And then there's The Monkey. Noodle Nelson was LeShaen's best friend, so naturally I got to meet him. I don't really remember why I call him monkey, I think it has something to do with the monkey bars we used to play with way back. We became close friends after Zoe and LeShaen started; we were practically partners in crime. Our friendship started from our maniacal scheming. See, he didn't like that his friend chose some girl over him, and I didn't like Zoe spending most of her time with the captain, and so our friendship grew with every scheme and plot. Thankfully, our friendship didn't end when we gave up on the "Split-'em-up" plan. He did, however, made my life troublesome more than it already was with Zoe. He got me in to my very first detention and apparently, he dedicated his life to me getting more detention, hookie, and any sort of trouble (not too much). Still, I can't imagine my life without him. When Zoe's with LeShaen, I'd go to Noodle's house or he'd go to mine's just to hang out. He'd listen to me geek out about my movies, I'd listen to him geek out about science. It's weird really; the whole school thinks of him as this stupid jock when he wasn't. His grades are actually pretty good, some higher than mine even; he's got science over me, no question about it.

He was my first kiss, but we were just experimenting then so I don't think it counts; even if he was my second, third, and twenty third. I remember it being awkward after putting a stop to it; my crush, here forth dubbed 'The Asshole', then asked me out and I didn't want to do him wrong by locking lips with another guy so I ended it. Noodle barely talked to me which I understood, but that doesn't make me miss him less. The relationship between me and The Asshole ended though when I found out about his bingo card. I wanted to cry so hard back then, and it sucked that I couldn't cry out to Zoe; she had her own problem with the family, I couldn't add on to that. So there I was on a bench near school ready to cry, then I felt someone's arm drape over my shoulder. I looked up, and there were the blue eyes I missed. I cried my eyes out on his chest, and he kept soothing me. I didn't know how he knew where I was or why I was crying, but it sure felt nice to have him next to me. From then on, we became friends again; we never talked about the past and just started anew from then on.

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