Chapter Three: Containment

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"Code 9. Containment breech imminent..."

I was up in the air when it blasted and just when I was falling back down, some of the bases got distracted. Thankfully, some of the people got some wicked reflex in them and caught on time, but the angles were all wrong. My left foot landed badly. I screamed from the pain, then bit my lip, trying to minimize the screech I so badly wanted to let out. I felt tears pricking my eyes, but I shook it off as best as I can. My teammates encircled around me, either worried, or sorry, or both. I didn't care though, I wanted my friends. I saw Zoe, LeShaen, and Noodle run towards me, but Noodle was the fastest. He slid to a stop in front of me, his panic stricken face looking at me like he didn't know what to do, his arms hovered wide in front of me like he didn't know if he should touch me or not. I gave him a reassuring smile, which may have come off as a grimace, and held his outstretch arm, "I'm okay."

Of course, no one was convinced. "Oh my God, Cleo! Are you okay?" Zoe came running after I struggled to stand up, pulling myself with Noodle's help. "I'm fine guys. Just twisted my ankle I think." I turned my ankle to the side a bit and yelped. Yup, pretty sure I twisted it or something.

Coach was signaling us to come over near the entrance, a small group of teens already there panicking their ass off which, honestly, was helping no one. I made Zoe go ahead, I know she means well but her going all mother hen on me would just add on the anxiety the fucking alarm gave me. I am thankful for my two servants though. I tried laughing the pain away as Noodle and LeShaen tries to help me on each side, both of them joking on how it was gravity's fault. It was its fault. Stupid gravity.

It was a slow pace, but we got to the group just in time to hear Natalie's 'righteous' speech.

"Of course she's worried about following the rules." Zoe glared at Natalie, clearly still not over their past.

"You know that tight ass?" LeShaen asked, making sure Noodle got a strong hold of me before going to Zoe.

"Knew her" she said, her intense glare focused only on Natalie, "Trust me, I wish I didn't." I limped my way to Zoe with Noodle's help, and grabbed her shoulder, "Hey, don't sweat about it. It's not worth thinking about." I offered a small smile, trying to simmer down the anger. She offered a smile back, albeit a bit forced, shaking the thought away of that night.

Just as I thought it was just a drill or something, I heard someone shout up ahead, "Coach!" It was Mary, I think. I saw her come over our Biology class at times looking for his brother Grover. She was running towards us with panic clearly on her every step, "It's not a drill. The chemical plant's on fire!"

Well, so much for a drill.

I looked at Noodle, don't really know how to react. Noodle squeezed my arms though as if to reassure that it'll be okay, but I know panic was slowly setting in. My mom worked at the plant! My eyes widen at the thought of my mom dying. Sure enough, we weren't close or anything, but she was still my mom. I still had good memories of her where she acted like a mother back when dad was still around. Zoe, Noodle, and LeShaen's house were close to the plant, what if something happened to the twins!

Just as I stared at Zoe, she stared at me knowing exactly what I was thinking. "We have to go." I said, my voice shaking a bit, worry laced on every word. She nodded her head, ready to go, but LeShaen wrapped his arm around her, Noodle kept his hold on me tight.

"Where do you think you guys are going?" he asked, knowing exactly where we plan to go.

"I have to see if the twins are okay." Zoe tried to squirm out of LeShaen's hold but he wasn't having it.

"Cleo, look at me. We have to take care of each other first. I'm sure Mrs. Parker's with them right now" said Noodle, trying to reason us out in doing something stupid.

"But what if-" Zoe started. "But what if they're fine," LeShaen cuts her off before she could finish, "Right now, we need to get you both down to the shelter. Besides, Cleo, I don't think you can run off with that ankle."

I knew he was right, but that doesn't keep the worry down. We both know that the guys were right, so we followed the rest of the students down to the shelter.

I rode on Noodle's back. If this wasn't a scary situation, I would've had fun whipping my monkey till he neighs but I couldn't shake this worry off of my gut. I saw Zoe a few steps in front of us trying to diss Barrett off. I smirked at the sight of the two, poor guy doesn't know when to quit. That makes me feel amazed at his persistence and stupidness at the same time. Good thing LeShaen wasn't here though, he went on a detour to get me an ice pack for my ankle, or else he'd be whooping Barrett's ass through the wall.

I chuckled at that little image, "What's so funny?" Noodle asked, smiling at me despite the situation. "Just the thought of LeShaen and Barrett butting heads over Zoe. I feel bad for the guy, I'm sure he hasn't done all the things he wanted before he dies." Noodle laughed at what I said.

"You really think LeShaen can take Barrett with those long legs and arms?" The image of Barrett strangling LeShaen with his arms like a cartoon rope made me laugh. "I can't believe you're betting against your best friend!"

"Oh, I'm not betting against him. But if it was me and LeShaen, I'm pretty sure I can handle him." I smirked at that.

"Didn't know you'd fight LeShaen for Zoe" I teased as I poked him on his tickle spot. He jerked suddenly, almost letting go of my leg, "Do you WANT me to drop you? Cause lemme tell you, you're not as light as you were back then." I smacked him jokingly on his arm as he laughed trying to adjust his arms around my legs. "Besides, I prefer the short, geeky, tan girls." I can feel him smirking at me. I'd rub that smirk off his face if I wasn't a reddish brown tomato right about now. So much for killing my itsy bitsy crush on the guy. I figured it'll just pass like my crush on him before, but how the fuck was I supposed to do that when he's being all cute when he talks like that?

I hid my face behind him the entire ride to the shelter, shutting myself up before I say something else stupid like "Oh you mean me? Well what are you going to do about it then, big boy?" then he'd kiss me. And we'd make out right here in front of everybody. Then things get all hot... Damn imagination.

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