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Ryan is an irresponsible adult who still lives with his mom. He throws a party and his mom finds out about it and gives him a babysitter.
(Also for Julius-geezer )

  >>Nobody's POV

"What do you mean you're giving me a babysitter?! I'm an adult, mom!" Ryan shouted at his mom.
"I'm making sure you don't throw parties anymore, by giving you a babysitter. He's coming in 10 minutes."
Ryan was puzzled. He remembered the last time when the place got trashed. He scoffed and was about to argue again.
"Stop right there, I don't have time to argue. I need to be there by 3:00, I'll be gone for.. about a day." She started getting her stuff together for the trip. There was a knock on the door, and she ran to it. "Just a second!" Ryan's mom opened the door.
"Hi! You must be Matt." The tall boy nodded his head and looked around.
"Uh.. who am I babysitting..?" Just as he said that, Ryan walked down the stairs.
"Oh! This is my son, Ryan. You'll be babysitting him."
Extremely confused, Matt simply waved a Ryan and gave off a smile. Ryan waved back, still pissed about having a babysitter, but surprised on how tall he was. "I've got to leave for work now, bye Ryan!" She gave Matt a pair of keys to the door as she was heading out.
"Cya, mom.." Matt walked in and shut the door. Ryan walked over to the couch and sat on it, crossing his arms. Matt looked around.
"... You must be a big baby then, huh?"
Ryan laughed, but tried to stay upset. He talked while laughing. "Sh-shutup" Matt sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. "So, what did you want to do?" Matt turned and looked at Ryan.
"I was going to have a party, but then you showed up."
"Well, you can still do other things.."
"Like what?"
"Go outside,... uh.."
Matt paused. He saw why Ryan wanted to have a party, there was nothing to do here.
"See? A party can be waay more fun than doing any boring activity outside or indoors!"
Ryan started to think on how to convince Matt to let him have a party.
"Hey, Matt..?"
"Can I have a party."
"...No, Ryan."
"Maaatt! Pleeeeaasee!"
"Now it does feel like I'm babysitting a child."
Matt sighed. "Ryan, I'm sorry, your mom specifically texted me and said not to let you have parties."
"How's she going to find out if we clean up afterwards..?"
Matt didn't answer and Ryan got up in Matt's face. "Maaaatt.."
Matt was heating up. "O-okay, Ryan! I-I'll let you have the party! J-jeez!"
"Yess! Thank yoou!!" Ryan hugged Matt tightly and took out his phone to text his friends 'The party's on'.

>>Matt's POV + Time Skip

I sighed. Why did I agree to having this party.. it's so loud, this place is already a mess. Something that Ryan did just made me.. give in to him. I go get a drink, just water, though. Someone's gotta be the responsible adult here. I see Ryan near the food table dancing. Is he drunk..? He sees me looking at him and walks over, maybe too close over. "H-reyy Matt..!" I can smell the alcohol in his breath. Gross. "Hey, Ryan. I think you should go sit down. You're drunk."
"I th-ink you should start haaving more fun!"
He wrapped his arm around me and but his nose close to mine. "R-Ryan, c'mon, go get some water.. er, something." He started hiccuping. "M-Matt.. carry me.." Ryan raised his arms like a child, telling you to pick them up. Which, I did. I carried him bridal style to a couch and sat down with him on my lap. Ugh. 'Throw a party' he said. 'It's more fun than going outside' he said. I look at Ryan and see that he's passed out. I poke his stomach to make sure that he's okay. "A-haahhuh!" I blush. Holy shit, I love his laugh so much. I wanted to tickle him, but that'd be weird, drunk or not. I watch over Ryan, wondering how many drinks he's had to get him in this state. "Maatt?"
"Yeah, buddy?"
"Thanks for letting me-e have this parte-e"
"No prob--"
He wrapped his arm around my neck and used it to lift himself up and kiss me..
"R-Ryan.. what was that for..?"
"A thank you kiss! T-hank you!"
"You're welcome.."
I wanted to show some emotions back. But if I did, he might take it too far, or take it the wrong way.. Get over yourself, Matt! He's drunk! He's probably had like.. 3 beers! You're a babysitter. Not a babydater.. ewgh that sounds wrong.. whatever.. I can see that people are starting to leave. The party's getting boring, everybody's probably drunk or tired. I checked the time, expecting it to be 12 or something, but it was only 9:00.. huh. I look down on my lap and see Ryan sleeping. I started to play with his hair. Jeez, his hair is soft..! I look back up and see that everybody in the room left. Good. I pick up Ryan and open a few doors, trying to find what looks like his room. I open a door and find his bed, then I lay him down on it. "Maatt.." I've heard that call for nearly the thousandth time now. "Staay in heereee.." I go into his bed and creep up next to him, then wrap my arms around him. "I lovee youu, Maatt~.." He was still sounding sober, but also sounded tired. "Goodnight, Ryan."

>>Ryan's POV + Time Skip

I blink my eyes open, feeling dizzy and sick. I'm in my own bed, at least I think I am. It doesn't take me long to figure out that there's another person behind me, hugging me. I turn my head around to see that it's Matt who's hugging me. I blush. He's so warm.. I fully turn around and put my head in his chest, but right as I do that I feel the urge to puke. I try to get up but I don't have the time, and the rustling wakes up Matt. "Ryan are you al--" I vomit. Not off the side of the bed, but on myself and Matt. "AAAGGH, OH MY GOD, RYAN!!"
"SORRY! SORRY!!" I got up and so did Matt. He took off his shirt that was puked on and I took off mine.. that was puked on. I looked over at Matt who looked traumatized. "Matt, are you okay..?"
"N-not really.. I have a fear of puke, R-Ryan.."
"Oh! I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to.. here, you can go get a shower.."
"No.. it's okay," he looked terrible and shaky. I felt terrible. Why did I have to drink? I don't even remember what I had, or how many I had, but I feel gross.
"No, Matt, you should get a shower. I'll be fine."
"..O-okay." He started walking out. "It's down the hall to your left."
"Thanks, Ryan."

  >>Time Skip
(They both take their showers n start to clean)

I grabbed a trash bag and cleaned up most of the trash on the floor, Matt vacuumed. Matt picked up a can of silly string. He shook it up and tested it out, looked up at me, and shook it up some more. "Don't you dare.." Matt grinned and sprayed the silly string at me. I tried to get away, laughing. I found another can of it on the ground, picked it up, and sprayed him. It was an all-out silly string war. We were both laughing and playing around, making more of a mess than what we already had. I fell on my back while trying to get away, and he took the chance and ran over at me, but tripped, and landed on me.
"Haha.., sorry.." He grinned. I blushed, took the can of silly string, and sprayed it at his face. He got up chasing me back around the house, and at this time we were running around like little kids. We went on until the silly string ran out.

>>Nobody's POV

"Now we have to clean up an even bigger mess..!" Matt sighed. "It was worth it, though. Ryan said.
"True.." They cleaned up for an hour, messing with each other and complaining about how much trash was on the ground. Finally, they finished. Exhausted with silly string stuck on their clothes and hair, they sat down on the sofa. Ryan sat close to Matt.
"Thanks for letting me have the party, even though it was boring.."
Matt thought back about it. Should I ask him if he knew what he did..?
"U-uh, yeah.. about thaat.."
"You got drunk and kissed me, and that's part of the reason why I was sleeping in your bed.."
"Oh, god.. did we--"
"No! You just wanted comfort and told me to stay with you, and I couldn't resist.."
Matt's cheeks were pink.
"I'm sorry.."
"It's okay, dude! Don't stress a-about it..!"
Ryan hugged Matt tightly, Matt hugged him back.
"Thanks, man. You're the only one I know besides my mom who can put up with my bs.."
"Pfft, you're not that much work! Plus, I really like your drunk dance moves." Matt giggled and Ryan was embarrassed. "Shut up.."
There was a silence between them, so Matt turned on a movie and grabbed a blanket. Ryan was sitting on Matt's lap, just like last night, but this time without a drunk Ryan. Matt lifted his hand up and ran his fingers through Ryan's hair. Ryan broke his attention from the movie to look up at Matt and smile. Matt smiled back. A few minutes later, Matt got a phone call. "Hello?"
"Hi, Matt! This is Ryan's mom, I'm calling to say l be home in about.. 5 minutes."
"Alright, thank you, bye."
Matt sighed.
"What's wrong?" Ryan asked.
"Oh, nothing. You're mom's going to be here in a few minutes, so I've gotta get my stuff."
Matt grabbed what he had brought, not much, just an extra pair of clothes, his charger, and phone. There was a knock on the door, so Matt opened it.
"Thank you for watching over Ryan, Matt!" She gave Matt money for watching Ryan.
"No problem." Ryan frowned, he didn't want Matt to leave. Matt was about to leave when he remembered something. "Oh! I almost forgot!" Matt went up to Ryan and gave him a slip of paper. "Call me." He winked, motioned hand guns, and walked out the door.

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