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Ryan's dad is the "leader of vampire hunters", Matt's dad is a vampire king, they don't get along too well.

>>Matt's POV

"Yes, sir.."
"Have you been out stealing the sheep's blood from a farm again?"
"Yes, sir, I threw away the ones I killed, I swear I didn't--"
"How many times have I told you not to go to that farm ever again?!"
"I didn't get caught this time.."
"Yes, you did. And thanks to you, we're being hunted, again. It was all fine, until you started eating again."
My dad kept on lecturing me. I hate being the son of a king, I hate being a vampire. I hate having to survive off of blood. I wish I were normal.

>>Ryan's POV

"It wasn't my fault! You didn't warn me!"
"3 of our sheep are gone."
I didn't answer him. I was sick of my dad yelling at me. I hate vampires.
"Since you can't catch a vampire while they're out eating, I'm ordering you to kill one. You have 3 days. 3 days, 3 sheep. Bring back the vampire's head after you've killed it, go for the one that stole our sheep."
I want those vampires gone, so I'd do it.
"Fine, I'll do it. But what's in it for me?"
"You don't get vanquished from our castle. You get to stay."
"Why is this put on me?! Other hunters were there, too!"
"Yes, but you were the closest to the vampire. And stop arguing, if you want to come up with more excuses, I'll kick you out now."
"You start this morning. Now go get some rest."


I woke up extra early. I'm ready for this, I'm going to kill a vampire. I did my morning routine, but this time I put on a garlic necklace and brought spears. Wooden ones. I looked out to see if anyone was there, and I saw a figure walking out with an umbrella. I waited to see where they were going, and they went into the forest. I started following them. When I was just behind the figure with an umbrella, I heard them humming. A happy vampire? Why is it humming? And why doesn't it sense my garlic? I walked in closer, but I stepped on leaves and made a crunching sound. Shit. It turned around and hissed at me.
"Who are you?!"
He was in a defensive stance. I stuttered.
"I-I --uh.."
He wasn't in much of a defensive stance anymore. He looked at my garlic and wood spear and laughed.
"Hahha, you know those doesn't harm vampires, right?"
"The wood and the garlic. That's just a myth. Garlic just smells gross and I'm sure if you were stabbed with wood, you'd die, too."
I laughed, he smiled.
"Why are you out here?" He asked. Oh no.
"I-it's, uh, kind of a l-long story.."
"If you're out here to kill me, do it now. I'm sick of being a vampire. I hate living off of blood."
I really wanted to kill him and finish my 'mission', but for some reason, something was telling me not to. I grabbed my wooden spear and raised it up in the air, and immediately dropped it.
"H-h, I can't.."
"Why not? I'm sure you'd get rewarded back at your home, it's been a while since a vampire's been killed."
I looked at him. Time to make an excuse.
"You're different."
"I said, you're different. You're not attacking me."
There was a silence.
"Well, what's your name?" He asked me.
"I like that name."
I blushed. Somehow his pale skin and tall figure was really cool to me.
"What's yours?"
"I'm Matt. And, I should tell you now, my dad is the vampire king."
"My dad is the leader of the hunters, and, the reason I'm here is because you stole our sheep. He blamed me for letting you get away, and ordered me to kill you."
Matt was listening to me. For once, someone listened to me.
"You're not going to hurt me, are you?"
I asked him.
"No, no! I'm not."
Me and Matt talked about each other and our pasts, I decided to tell him now what was going to happen to me if I didn't kill him.
"I'll be vanquished if I don't kill you within 3 days.."
"Oh.. it's fine, I'm okay with it.."
"No! I don't want to kill you!"
"Well, what are you going to do?"
He's right. I've got no other choice. I was thinking hard.
"I'll.. run away! With you!"
"I'll run away with you! You said you hated being a vampire and hated living with them, let's run away together!"
"Hha, Ryan, you're joking, right? I can't live a normal life. I have to drink blood to survive."
"Then I'll buy you meats."
"No, it has to be fresh blood."
"Drink animal's blood! Drink my blood, for all I care, I just don't want to kill you!"

>>Matt's POV

I blushed. He's really that devoted to this plan, and to me, a vampire. We could both kill each other if we wanted, but we didn't.
"I still have 2 days, I'll bring stuff that I need, like food and water."
We talked nearly all day in the woods, sitting on a log next to a cave. Ryan surprised me with a compliment.
"I really like your pale skin."
Think of something, anything.
"T-Thanks! I really like your.. skin."
It was silent, again.
"I didn't mean it like that, I meant--"
He was laughing. I love his laugh it's contagious, and it made me laugh, too. We both looked at each other, still laughing. Ryan grabbed the side of my cheek, I was blushing now. He pulled me in closer and kissed me. I kissed him back. I opened my mouth to breathe, or, something, and my teeth went into his lip.
"Sorry, I, didn't mean it."
"No, it was fine, I... kinda liked it."
I pulled him in and licked the blood off of his lips.
(A/N You make up what's next it's too awkward to write)
After that, let me just say, there were a lot of bite marks on Ryan's neck.
"Oh, fuck!"
I yelled.
"Your dad's gonna see the marks."
"No, he won't, I'll, hide them."
"I don't know."
I've just met Ryan, but it seems like he always has a plan, but doesn't know what to do with it. I offered him my hoodie, it was getting cold out, for him, anyway.
"Here, wear my hoodie."
"I'm fine."
"No, you're not, you're cold. Here."
"Won't you be cold?"
"Vampires don't get too cold, we already have cold hearts." I joked
"Pfftha, it seems like you've got a warm heart of gold."

>> Ryan's POV

After Matt gave me his hoodie, it was pretty dark outside. Matt sat on my lap and looked at the stars. I hugged him. I wanted to stay like this with Matt, but I couldn't. I had to get home, maybe I could stay for a little while longer.
"You should head home now. It's dark out and you need to go back. I don't want anything to happen to you."
I smiled, he worried about me, I feel accepted and happy.
"Will you be here in the morning?"
I asked.
"I'll be here all night, and in the morning. My dad's mad at me."
"Oh, okay, be safe, alright? I love you!"
"I love you too, Ryan. I'll be in the cave if you need me."
I got up and went home. I was prepared for my dad to yell at me, but he didn't.
"Ryan... I was, worried. Are you alright?"
"Yeah, dad, I'm fine."
"Where'd you get that hoodie, and.. what's that on your neck? Are those..,"
Oh, god, here comes the yelling.
"Son, what happened?!"
"I'm fine, dad, that's all that matters."
"Those vampires, they'll.. pay!"
"Dad! I'm fine! I-I wanted this.. to happen.."
"What do you mean?!"
"I'm in love with a vampire!"
"I'm in love.. with a vampire, dad. He gave me this hoodie, I kissed him, and things, happened." I pointed to my neck.
"Get out."
"Get out, and never return."
I ran out of the house. I ran as fast as I could. There were tears in my eyes, but I wasn't upset, I was planning to leave, but I didn't want to be vanquished. With just leaving, I could've returned. Now, I can't. I went back to Matt, the only place I could call home was with him now.
He was still awake, and still here.
He got up and hugged me. I cried on his shoulder.
"Ryan. What's, wrong..?"
"My dad kicked mme out.."
"Wasn't that what you wanted? To leave?"
"Wwell, y-yeah, but I knew, with leaving, I could come back.. now, I can't go back, and I know it."
"Ryan, it's okay.. I'm here for you."
"Thank you, Matt."  Luckily, I brought my camping bag. It had a blanket on it, and we used that to cover ourselves. After I calmed myself down, we slept in the cave, cuddled together. "Goodnight, Ryan."
"Goodnight, Matt."

>> Nobody's POV

Matt and Ryan woke up the next morning. Matt built up the courage to talk to his dad from Ryan being there for him. His dad accepts him, and thanks Ryan for letting his son get away from when he stole the 3 sheep. After Matt's dad gives up the throne, they get married and become kings of the vampires, together.

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