The Moving Day

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-Chloe POV-

Yes I did it, I decided to move into the Team 10 house. I was currently in my hometown, Houston Texas getting my stuff that I wanted with me. I left all the cloths and stuff that I had brought with me the first time at the Team 10 house because I figured that was the smart thing to do.

Since today was my last day in Houston I decided to go visit my best friend Jade and tell her the news and get one last vlog with her until I get to see her again. Which I am hoping will be soon. I would ask Jake if she could come with me but I don't want to push my luck. I'll just wait a bit.

"Hey guys! I am so sorry for vlogging yesterday I was sorta busy. Today I am going to see Jade because I have very big news to tell her and you guys so why not kill two birds with one stone." I say to my vlog.

I honestly feel really bad for not vlogging. I really do try to do it everyday but the only person that I've really seen committed to vlogging and doing things everyday is Jake.

I drove to Jades house and picked her up. We went out to eat and then we went to the mall.

"Jade and I are now leaving the mall but I guess it's about time I make that announcement." I say looking at Jade to give me a response.

"What's the news?" She says.

"I," I paused for a bit.

"Just spit it out already!" Jade yelled.

"Am moving into the team ten house!" I say.

Jade quickly jumped out of the car and ran around it in circles screaming. I just sat there and videoed her while laughing. She finally stopped and then got back into the car.

"So that means you get to live with Jake Paul!" She screeched. Jade is a huge fan of Jakes. I wish I could take her to meet him, I will one day.

"Yep now we just need to go to Target so that I can get a suitcase big enough for you to fit in. I probably wouldn't even need a big suitcase you could fit in a small one but I need some room for my cloths." I joked
with Jade.

"Hey I'm totally down for whatever." She laughed.

*later on that day*

I had finished up my vlog for the day and I decided to finish packing. I had about an hour before I needed to leave for my flight so I had plenty of time.

I'm really hoping that my decision of moving to LA is a good choice. I've always wanted to move there but what if something happens in the Team 10 house and I end up having to move back home. I just don't want to mess things up.

It was now time for my flight so I headed to the airport. I got in and out of security then got onto my flight. I was now off to LA.

*In Los Angeles*

I finally landed in LA and I am now in an Uber going to the Team 10 house. Im so excited! I can't wait to see everyone!

The uber pulled up to the house. I stepped out and took a deep breath in.

"Get ready for the biggest part of your life Chloe, this is going to be great." I say to myself. The uber drive left.

As I was walking up to the door I heard a few footsteps behind me and then someone spoke up.

"This is definitely the right direction for you." I turn around to see Chance.

"You really think so." I say looking straight into his beautiful eyes.

"I know so." He says.

As Chance and I were caught in one of our dazes I couldn't help but wonder where he came from and why he was there.

"Umm so why were you out here?" I ask. His eyes went wide at my question and he was silent for a moment.

"I just-" I stopped him.

"You were waiting on me, weren't you." I laughed.

"Yeah kinda." He turned red causing my checks to heat up a bit too.

"We should go inside." I say pulling my suitcase behind me.

"Let me get that." He says taking my suitcase and going ahead of me to get the door. What a gentleman!

"Thank-" I was saying as I walked in but I was attacked by a couple of twins, Jake, and Anthony. They knocked me to the ground and then dog piled me.

"We're so glad you are back!" Jake says.

"Can't breath." I said. My voice was muffled because of all the boys that were on me.

Ivan's face was the closet to mine so he heard what I had said.

"Guys, guys lets get off." He says laughing a bit. One by one the boys got off of me and I could finally breath again. Anthony put a hand out for me to help me up.

"Good to see you too boys. Now if you don't mind I'm a little tired and I'm gonna go to my room." I says giving each of them a hug.

Chance followed behind me carrying my extremely heavy suitcase as we went up the stairs and to mine and Tessa's room. We walked into the room but Tessa was no where to be found.

"Well I guess she's
not here yet. Thank you for carrying my stuff, it was sweet of you." I say.

"Anything for you." Chance says.

There was a silence and then Chance spoke up again.

"Mind if I stay in here until Tessa gets here?" He asks.

"I don't mind at all I'm just gonna put somethings up and you can sit here with me." I say.

I started to unzip my suitcase.

"Are you gonna miss your home town?" Chance asks.

"Yes and no. I'm really just gonna miss my best friend and family.  I could careless about some people in that town. It was hell for me when I was in school." I answered.

"Yeah I understand that. I miss Ohio sometimes but I can't imagine not living here." Chance says.

"I'm really excited to live here." I say with a huge smile.

"I can definitely tell by the gorgeous smile you have on your face." He says. I felt my cheeks heat up at his compliment.

I had finished my unpacking and then I sat down next to Chance on my bed. There was a silence and then I decided to say something that I had been wondering for a while.

"Why didn't you speak much to me when I first got here?" I ask. His face kind of went pale. He looked as if he didn't want to answer but knew he had no choice.

"I was afraid to speak to you. I don't know why though, I usually am a charmer when it comes to girls but you it was different. You don't know how bad I just wanted to walk up you and say something." He says.

"I guess you were just to pretty for me to be myself around at first." He adds with a laugh.

"Thanks." I said shyly.

"I think I might-" Chance was saying but then we heard the door open. It was Tessa.

"Chloe!" She screamed running over to me giving me a hug.

"Hey T!" I say.

"I'll let y'all catch up." Chance says walking out.

Tessa and I got caught up on everything and then we decided to get ready for bed.

As I was getting in my bed I couldn't help but think about Chance. Do I like him? What was he going to tell me? I guess I can ask him tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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