The Week

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-Chloe's POV-

I've been in the Team 10 house for a week now. Let me just sum up how this week has gone.

So I am best friends with the Martinez twins now, Chance still hasn't said much to me, he seems kinda shy, and Jake has given me loads of Team 10 merchandise and it's basically all I wear right now.

I've been growing a bit more on my social media this past week, which is really good. Also my content on my YouTube channel has definitely got better. I really think moving here might be a good idea.

"Hey guys," I say to my camera. "I don't really know what I have planned for today. Dang I sound like such a bum." I laughed a bit.

"That's cause you are one!" Emilio says jumping into my vlog.

"Wow thanks Emilio." I pushed him lightly.

"No problem babe." He says winking at me.

"Anyways I guess I do have some plans for today. I am currently sitting here with Emilio waiting on Ivan so that we can go get some coffee or something for breakfast." I say.

"Yeah cause this house has nothing in it!" Emilio screamed.

While Emilio and I were sitting on the stairs we heard Jake coming down the stairs.

"Hey Jakey Cakey!" I say to him.

"Jakey Cakey?" Jake said in a questioning tone.

"Yeah cause your name is Jake and you got Cake!" I say turning my camera towards him.

Jake started twerking and then Emilio joined in.

"Ooo get it!" I yelled to them.

Jake and Emilio stopped twerking.

"Man that was lit!" I say to them.

"You know it!" Emilio says.

"Hey do y'all want to help me prank Chance and Anthony?" Jake asks. This will definitely help my content.

"Anything for good content." I say.

"Jake Paulers she is learning well." Jake said to his camera.

The twins and I followed Jake up to Chance and Anthony's room.

"Chloe. I need you to scream as loud as you can, okay?" Jake whispered to me. I nodded my head and waited for Jakes approval.

Jake nodded his head at me and then I let out a blood curdling scream. Anthony flew out of his bed and Chance got rolled up in his blanket then ended up rolling off of his bed.

I bursted out into laughter.

"Good morning Chance and Anthony!" Jake yelled.

"Chloe! Jake! Martinez!" Anthony yelled running towards me while Chance ran towards Jake and Emilio.

I tried to run away from Anthony but he caught me and lifted me up. Emilio got away from Chance and grabbed my camera for me. Anthony threw me onto one of the air mattresses causing me to laugh some more

While I was laughing Jake picked up Chance just like Anthony had done with me and then threw Chance onto the mattress with me.

I stopped laughing and then looked at Chance and he looked at me. Our eyes were locked and in that moment it didn't feel like the others were in the room with us.

"What happened here?" I heard someone say breaking Chance and I out of our stare. I looked up to Ivan in just a towel.

"Ew Ivan is naked." Emilio says. I jumped up and grabbed my camera.

"Ivan hurry up and get dressed I'm starving. In the mean time buttercups, I will see you when we get there." I say to my camera. I shut my camera off and then I walked out of the room with Emilio.

What just happened in there? I'm so confused. Why doesn't Chance talk much around me?

*later that evening*

"Well I think it's time for me to end this vlog for today. Peace out girl and guy scouts." I turn my camera off for the last time this evening.

I decided I'd go back upstairs to Tessa and I's room after I grab a snack from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed and water and a package of fruit snacks then I walked up the stairs.

Once I reached the doorway of our room I saw Chance and Tessa sitting together on her bed. I step out of sight so that I could listen to their conversation. This isn't a good idea.

"Look Tessa I know that you may like me but I only see us being friends. I have other interests and I don't want to hurt your feelings." Chance said. Wow jerk!

"No it's all good Chance. I don't see us being a thing either." Tessa says.

I was taken back by Tessa's response. I have seen all the the posts and tags about them being a thing but I never really took it into much consideration, I thought it was just a joke.

"Thank you for understanding, we're still friends right?" Chance asks her.

"For sure." Tessa says.

"Great." Chance says. I heard him walking towards the door so I turn around a bolted for the closest room I could get to, which was the room he stays in. I just couldn't have him catch me eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Wow Chloe, why are you out of breath?" Ivan says once I get to their room.

"I was umm; exercising." I make up an excuse.

"Why don't you just go to the gym?" Emilio asks.

"I don't have much time." I make another excuse.

"Umm okay." Emilio says.

As soon as I was about to open the door to leave Chance opened the door. Again we began and intense stare with each other. His eye were brown with a hint of hazel in them, they were beautiful. I really didn't want to look away but I had to force myself to.

"Umm excuse me." I say looking away and then running past him.


I stopped in my tracks. He spoke to me.

"Yes?" I ask turning back around.

"You want to hang out tomorrow?" He asks.

"Sure." I say. He smiled and then walked into his room.

Did he just ask me out?

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