The girl started getting up but Camila held her down. "I don't think you should be drinking any more." She laughed.

"Alright, alright. You're probably right." She giggled and sat down.


The three of them didn't sleep that night, instead falling asleep on the bus ride home. With a change of clothes and a mint from Colson, Camila made it home without her mom even considering that she was hung over. Of course her head ached, but it wan't until Sunday afternoon when Camila realized that maybe she didn't just have a hangover anymore.

In fact, once her mother took her temperature she was more than certain that her killer headache was the result of a hangover and cold combined.

"Mija, you should know better than to swim at might when its type of whether this season." She scolded her.

Camila shrugged. "We were just having fun." she defended herself.

"I don't know exactly how I feel about these other friends of yours, Lauren and Colson. They just don't seem good for you like Shawn is." She sighed.

"Well Shawn's not talking to me mom." Camila sighed, reaching out to feel for the tissues. Sinu placed them in her hand for her.

"I had noticed. What happened exactly, Mila?" She questioned with a raised brow.

"He got jealous that I was spending time with Lauren and things just got worse from there." The brunette shook her head and blew her nose.

"Well, don't get me wrong, Lauren did seem like a nice young lady and I'm glad you have a friend who is a girl now, but it seems like she's made things messy since she's gotten here."

"She didn't mean to. Besides, she's not even the main reason Shawn and I are fighting now. Well, kinda." She admitted.

"And why exactly are the two of you fighting?" Her mother asked.

Camila hesitated. "Uh, could you go make me some soup maybe, mom?" She replied.

"Alright, mija. I just want you to feel better." She shook her head and stood up.

"Gracias, Mama." Camila sniffled and sat up in her bed.

Of course, ten minutes later when the door to her room opened, the blind girl expected it to be her mother with a hot bowl of soup, but considering there was a knock before, she began to think it was someone else.

"Hey" Shawn closed the door behind him as he stepped inside of the girl's room. Her mom must have let him in hoping for them to make up.

"Uh, hi." Camila responded nervously.

"How are you feeling? I heard you got sick." The brow haired boy asked, genuinely concerned about his friend.

"I mean. It's not the worst. I'll probably feel better by tomorrow." Camila shrugged.

"So you'll be going to school then?" He questioned.

"No, my mom wants me to stay home so I fully recover. She's worried It'll just get worse if I don't." She sighed and shook her head.

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