Chapter 2🔫

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~Xavier Anderson~

"Geoff, don't you know my men are stronger than yours, they always were," my father started. I could only hear voices, I didn't dare take a peak.

"You should know better than interfering with my goods," the other voice said, "but you always have to put in a hand, always the superior eh?"

"You always cheat and I hate cheaters so I took things into my own matter."

"You're right, I always cheat and here I am."

I heard the loading of a gun and I held my breath as I brought my hand to my chest, hoping my heartbeats weren't too audible. 

"Geoff," my father warned and I could sense fear hidden in his voice.

I gulped uneasily knowing what would happen next. The feeling of fear gnawed at me until it rested in the pits of my stomach, tearing me apart from the inside.

"That's why I'm going to win today, and you're going to lose."

It happened all too quick. I heard a loud gun shot and before I could register anything I found myself in there, my finger tight around the trigger.

All I could focus on was the blood gushing out of his head just the way the water balloon bursts, staining his clothes and the floor.

But I couldn't forget the cold look on his face; it gave me shudders. I watched as his grip on the gun loosened and how the gun fell to the floor. The sound of metal hitting the ground was faint. All I could think about was the man I had just shot. No sane thought played in my mind, nothing but a weird feeling crippling down my stomach.

I captured every small detail from the blood dripping on the floor, to him landing on the ground with a thud, as if time had stopped.

A groan pulled me from my numb state and I looked in the direction of the sound. With a loud gasp, I rushed towards my father who lay there on the floor, his heart on his chest with blood oozing between his fingers, staining his clothes.

"Dad," I whispered as I knelt down beside him.  I pressed my palms against his flesh to stop the bleeding. But, it was too late. There was so much blood - dark crimson, with a discreet, metallic scent.

"Xavi-" he whispered, before closing his eyes. His breathing then slowed down before stopping forever.

"No. No, no," I kept chanting, shaking him. But that only gave me chills because the scene in front of me was dreadful. I had watched killing scenes but never have I imagined myself to witness one live in front of me and with someone who meant so much to me, the only person I had.

It felt so unreal like a dream and I was about to wake up, or so I hoped.

I closed my eyes getting away from my father's dead body. As I backed away I tripped on the guy I had killed.

I had killed a person. I shot him in his head  with my bare hands. I am a murderer, a killer.

I was in a room with two dead bodies: one of my father's and one of the man I had killed. They both lay on the ground, surrounded by a pool of blood. The scene stunned the living daylights out of me.

I screamed so loud that my lungs started to ache and I felt like puking.

I growled loud dropping my head in my hands trying to ease the throbbing in my head.

I sat there, helpless not knowing what to do and too scared to even think. I cried until my eyes ran dry and my chest heaved violently.

Hastily picking up the phone, I dialed a number, my fingers trembling with fear. The number I thought I'd never have to dial anymore- my dad's most trusted man in the mafia.

"Xavier, tell me," he said, sounding concerned.

"I-My da- father... he- is," I babbled incoherent words. I couldn't even understand what I was saying.

"I'll be right there, don't go anywhere," he ordered before closing the line.

I dropped the phone next to me and closed my eyes, taking in a long deep breath to calm myself.

All that came to my mind was her glowing face. The delicate outlines of Amanda's features burned behind my eyelids.

How could I stay with her now? How could I look into her eyes and not feel guilty?

She deserved someone better- someone without a tainted past, nightmares, someone who had clean hands. And that someone definitely wasn't me.

A tear coursed down once I decided what should be done.

I choked on my saliva, something welling up in my chest. Every few minutes, the pain renewed itself with a higher intensity.

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