Eyes on Fire {2P!China}

Start from the beginning

And yet here you were, hiding with one of their own.

Throughout the time you were forced to stay in the closet with China’s 2P, he never once took his eyes off you. His hard stare only increased with time.

His ominous crimson-red eyes may as well have been the gates to Hell. They held an evil fire within them like all Second Players had. They were demons, you wanted to believe. It was difficult to accept that they were only from a parallel universe. The more he stared, the more you felt like his eyes were burning a hole into your very being.

You still had no idea why he saved you—he hadn’t spoken a word to you as he proceeded to save you from the other Second Players. It had all happened in a flash; one moment they were deciding how to torture you, the next you were being pulled away before they could notice.

He knew they were close to killing you. Before, he did nothing. He chose now to help you? Why?

You couldn’t bring yourself to ask. You simply couldn’t bring yourself to do anything but stare right back at him.

The tension grew thicker with every silent minute. You were sure all the other 2Ps were slaughtered by now—none of them could survive an every-man-for-himself death battle over you.

Soon, you decided you had to say something to him. Anything—or else you would go insane just like them. But you just couldn’t get any words out. The preparation to speak to him felt like planning to jump off a cliff.

Though you continued to glare at him, scowling right back. Was this a trick? Did he only hide you just to keep you to himself, and then proceed to kill you later…?

No, he wouldn’t do that. If he wanted to murder you, he would have by now. He seemed like the only Second Player with the slightest grasp of reality—aside from England’s 2P, but he tried to feed you cupcakes mixed with human flesh and poison.

China’s 2P was different. He must know right from wrong. But that didn’t mean he always chose ‘right’.

In fact, he probably never chose right. Aside from now.

You wanted to know why. Badly. But you were deathly afraid he’d lash out at you for asking. 2Ps were unpredictable like that. One moment, they were calm; the next, they were threatening to skin you alive.

2pChina’s scowl deepened and his eyes slowly narrowed with increased fury. Your breath hitched as you thought, Oh no… better say something now…

“Um… w-why did you save me?” You sputtered, just above a whisper.

He didn’t respond for a while, but his features softened just the tiniest bit. He was still watching you closely, his red eyes sending shivers down your spine.

How could a guy like him exist? Such a dark, shady counterpart of a normally cheerful and lovely person?

You thought more about China. The real one. You loved him, so very much.

Since forever.

And seeing such a side to him—Parallel him—was sickening. You hated his presence, his existence, his soul. Everything about him… or so you believed.

China’s 2P was more human than the rest, but that didn’t give him an excuse to be who he was. He didn’t deserve to have the same face as the man you loved.

“You’re thinking about him, aren’t you?” Your boyfriend’s 2P asked, his voice cold and stern.

…It should be illegal, you thought, -to be him. Talking in his voice like that. He doesn’t even deserve to have his voice!

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