A Day with a Cactus

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The cactus first wakes up from its long day but now its a new day and it must get out of bed for its new aventure.

  Out of bed time to brush its prickles and make them nice and clean for the new day.Now to eat the cactus jumps up to the cabnit to grab its favorite cereal (cinemon toast crunch).Nom Non Nom, the cactus has finished his cereal now time to go to the gym.
   At the gym and the cactus is pumped. First it starts by doing pull ups an push ups.Next it goes on a treadmill but sense it cant rum fast it falls off the treadmill.Now its time to go take a shower because uts been sweating at the gym.To the car and the cactus drives down to see his friend Luke.Luke had some tickets but cactus cant go he has plans to go somewhere else.
   Cactus has drove to the libraey and needs to get some new books and return some books.Then he went to school to work on his new project but sadly he has no friends in school.But yet he must work in his group assiment about a disorter.Cactus then goes to play tenis for the first time and he is not very good at it.
   He then goes home and goes in a group chat but see no new friend request.Cactus then goes on Xbox to play Call of Duty to take his sadness out of his body.He then studys for school and writes more in his book. After all that he listens to his favorite music.Luke then comes over to see how cactus is holding up.And to watch TV because Luke is poor.
   Then cactus goes to bed for a whole another day.And the same things to do tomarrow.

     *And that is cactus life cactus*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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