Chapter Twenty

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A very flustered teacher came into the infirmary and told Professor Henry that the king is ordering to see me now. Even if Miss Felicity was my apparent legal guardian even her hands were tied when it came to the king. We were ushered through to her office straight away. Prof H went in first with Rose leaving me standing behind the door not really wanting to go in. "Is this her?" The king asked. "No sir this is Rose, Chase and Amelia's friend," Miss Felicity explained, "Amelia come in." I slowly walked in to see the man.

He gasped at the sight of my face. "You... look so much like your mother did at this age," he uttered in disbelief, "Miss Felicity is your legal guardian but I think I might take you in myself... royalty should stay with royalty." I snickered. He looked baffled by my audacity. "With no disrespect, I wouldn't like to make that decision hastily," I explained. "I am the King... and what I decree is done," he argued. I shook my head, "I have been informed that you are an illegitimate king, the blood ceremony was null and void since I was born therefore, your orders aren't the ones to be followed sir," I challenged, "I am not about to agree to being practically adopted by a man I have just met, especially with the fact it was only a few days ago I found out that Magic was real and my parents weren't actually my parents!"

He laughed. "You're as stubborn as her too... I was meant to marry your mother you know unfortunately, she fell in love with your father," he explained, "what do you know of the prophecy your mother had?" I took a seat and explained my visions and about Ash and his brother. "The necromancer is back... this means war," he declared. "Whoa whoa whoa aren't you sick of prosecuting the wrong man, it's his brother you want!" I shouted. He stormed towards me. I felt a spark of fear as he growled, "you are going to start doing as you are told... we are going to take you in and you will most likely be marrying my eldest son and taking OUR family name whether you like it or not!"

I couldn't hold back the tears when he grabbed my sore arm. I saw a dark smoke appear from behind me which changed to hands. "You do well to get off my bride," a familiar voice spoke. The kings hand got off of me when he saw Ash. "The binding charm worked... I sensed your fear, it's understandable considering this man is not a nice one after all," Ash cooed, "you'll always be safe with me, I'll protect you... leave with me Amelia." I struggled and got away from him. "Get away all of you... just... GET AWAY!" I screamed.

A flash of lightning appeared with a heavy rain like none I'd seen before. Thunder rumbled through the sky like my anger and confusion. "Amelia... calm down you need to control it," Ash said calmly. "Control it... you're not possibly saying that she is causing the storm!" Miss Felicity exclaimed. Ash took a step forward towards me. "Why do you think her mother foresaw her born in a storm... she knew her daughter's gift was no ordinary and that is why they sealed her gifts away when she was born," Ash explained, "she's a storm caller."

"Storm callers are just a myth!" The king denied. Ash shook his head, "no... no they're not... they just died out a long long time ago.... she's the first one to be born in over three thousand years, her mother told me before my brother killed her." I couldn't stop my tears, the storm inside of my head growing every second. "She's not going to calm down... she needs to be sedated before the blows a gale big enough to take down the Academy," Miss Felicity shouted and ran off to get help. "Amelia... breath," Ash tried but to no avail. Before I knew it Miss Felicity was back with someone, they held something over my face. As I attempted to breath I instantly was hit by the smell of something... as I fell to the ground loosing consciousness I felt calm. I looked out the window to see the clouds dissipating, leaving a beautiful blue sky. "Amelia..." someone whispered before I was claimed by the darkness clouding my mind.


I opened my eyes to find myself in the infirmary. There were many eyes on me when I sat up. "How long was I out?" I asked. "Around fifteen minutes dear... it seems you are what's known as a storm caller," Miss Felicity explained. "That's why you can predict the rain!" Rose beamed, "you're not predicting it... you're willing it to happen therefore it does!" Well that certainly clears up a few things. I felt really happy until I noticed Chase's dad was still here.

"You... stay away from me," I ordered even though I was shaking, "where's Ash?" The stupid king didn't listen to my words and walked over to me. "I'm going to make a deal with you Amelia," he chuckled. Miss Felicity looked like she wanted to punch him but her hands were tied... not literally. "You don't want me to declare war on him and I won't," he explained with a smirk, "so long as you agree for my eldest son to court you."

If I had a drink I would have spat it out. "You've got to be kidding me... this is blackmail!" I shouted. "I could just order my army to go on a man hunt..." he laughed. Sugar Honey Iced Tea, if this guy wasn't the king I'd hit him by now. "Only as long as I don't HAVE to marry him," I scoffed. "We'll get to that bit when the time comes... but whilst you are still attending the Academy nothing but courting," he explained. I thought it through for a minute and then it dawned on me... change the future.

"I have another request other than you drop his charges," I said making sure my voice didn't falter and I sounded sure. "I won't agree to anything until I hear it," he replied, I nodded in agreement. "I had a vision this morning that the Academy will be attacked by his brother on the next new moon," I gulped just thinking about it, "the whole Academy will be set on fire... there's a possibility Rose may die, I couldn't tell but Chase was shaking her and she wasn't moving... he's going to kidnap me."

I looked down at my shoes and whispered, "I need to somehow change the events that happen... maybe if you station a few of the army here for the few days surrounding when the new moon is due, maybe they could help stop casualties at least." He came towards me again but this time pulled up a chair. "You're not so bad when you're not baring your fangs," he chuckled and then sighed, "just like your mother... you have a deal, I can't just allow the lost princess to be taken now can I?" He chuckled and left.

"Well I'm officially screwed more than before... especially when Ash's brother was extremely jealous last night, how's he going to react when he finds out I'm apparently courting your brother?" I laughed and looked at Chase, "who even courts these days anyway?" I shook my head and looked at the big clock. "Lunch time!" I squealed happily trying to ignore everything that happened today already. Miss Felicity stopped me. "I'm afraid the rumours of your lineage has gone round the entire school," she sighed, "however, it's probably best it came out now rather than later."

I had to agree to that but it seems lunch was going to be 'fun'. I was right, people didn't quite know what to do... I didn't know what to do. Therefore, I ignored the whispers and focused on talking to Chase and Rose. "So then... what's this brother of yours like?" I asked awkwardly. "Perfect," he sighed, "annoyingly perfect... he's twenty one and finished school here as I started, blonde like our mother but he's got dads green eyes like me." I tried to picture it but I just couldn't imagine a blonde Chase.

"He's everything the girls want... everything that girl who's glaring at you wants," he laughed, I knew he was talking about Cecilia as I felt her eyes burning holes into my back, "her family have been trying to get them both equainted for a while." Well this is going to be great. "What's his name?" I queried. "Jasper... oh and he's the crown prince," he explained before taking a bite out of his sandwich. I heard the footsteps walk towards me and I knew who they belonged to. "So you think you're IT now do you?" Cecilia scoffed.

"Sorry Cecilia, I never thought I was 'it' in the first place... could you please just go I need to find out more about this guy I'm being forced to court," I sighed uninterested. She laughed. "And who the hell would want to court you?" She scoffed which made me laugh back. I thought she deserved to be teased a bit. "It seems the King wants his eldest son to court me," I explained. She turned pale. "No... father promised me Jasper would be mine... he promised!" She cried. "Well I don't have a choice in this and the King is being extremely adamant about it all so it seems your fathers promise is as null and void as the kings royal blood," I sighed.

She looked pained and went off in a storm. I suddenly didn't feel hungry, especially when some men came in wearing an army uniform. They walked right up to me, great just what I needed... more for people to gossip about! They both saluted before giving me a note which read 'here's your army, my son shall be visiting during your free period today'. Well hell. With that they left to do whatever they were ordered to do. "If the army is here when is the new moon?" I asked. Rose pulled herself away from her tea and said, "Friday." Yep... I'm screwed.

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