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The three weeks went by fast and soon Cal followed me to fix me a phone. I happily followed everyone eating on restaurants and shopping and whatever. I also got everyone's number, which was perfect.

Something I couldn't bare to think about but still crossed my mind all the time were the fact that I would run away next week after Simon was dead. I would have to run away from everyone I knew, I would run away from Cally...

It was on my third free day that Harry walked into the kitchen while we were all in the kitchen, and with all I mean all the Sidemen and both Cal's. He was holding a paper in his hand and he put it down in front of me. It was the note, crap.

"What is this?" he asked me strictly, demanding answers. I just stared at it. What the hell would I tell him?

"Did you read it?" I asked him and looked up to him.

"Of course I f-ing did. What the hell is this" he replied. I sat quiet while I took the note, folding it neatly before going to throw it away. The others couldn't read it. "Where the f do you think your going. You are going to freaking answer me" Harry said and held me by the arm.

"Why were you looking in my drawers?" I asked, avoiding the question.

"Why does it matter. Explain the note" he replied.

"What does it say?" Josh asked and both me and Harry turned to them, I think we both had forgotten they were there.

"It's a goodbye note" I replied to him before Harry had time to answer.

"You're leaving?" Cal asked with a sad expression.

"No she's not. She is going to explain what she means with this note" Harry replied and I looked pleadingly at him.

"None of you would understand" I told him and he shook his head.

"Your right. Why are you sorry about Simon? Why can't you face us again? How would you leave London?" he asked and everyone looked at me confused as I looked to the ground.

"I can't do this. I'm sorry. I can't explain. Even if I could you would just hate me and I still have three days left" I tried to explain.

"Three days until what? What will happen to me? What is this?" Simon asked.

"I can't say. Just leave it be" I pleaded.

"So what? You were going to leave me without saying goodbye?" Cal asked me angrily.

"I was going to say goodbye. I promise. Just let it go. This is none of your business" I begged. I hate to admit that I did care about them.

"I think it is my business. What will happen to me?" Simon asked again.

"I'm involved with people and if I tell you about this note you would be in serious danger. I can't do that" I explain.

"What people? We can help you" Tobi offered.

"You can't help me. You don't understand! Just forget about it. Please, forget about it" I begged.

"What will happen to me?" Simon asked again.

"We won't let it go. We can help you. Please help us understand" Cal begged.

"You can't, I don't want you to get hurt Cal. I can't let that happen. I can't. Please just leave it" I begged him, tears beginning to search their way to my eyes.

"Explain what will happen to Simon and we will let it go" Josh said and I shook my head.

"I can't tell you. You don't get it. Please, just please understand that you won't and can't get it" I begged as tears began falling down my cheeks. "Let me have these three days. Please I don't want you to hate me. Please Cal. Please let it go" I begged only Cal as i fell down on my knees and let my head fall in my hands. Please don't hate me. I have three days left.

"Just tell us about Simon and then we can let it go for now" Cal said and I looked up at them.

"I have three days without you hating me. I was meant to have three days more!" I cried.

"I can't ever hate you" Cal promised as a he put a hand on my back rubbing it gently.

"Yes you can" I replied and looked up at the shocked guys around the table. Simon still looked confused.

"Try me" Cal said with a soft smile and I shook my head.

"Please just tell me" Simon begged me.

"I can't. It's not important. Just trust me please" I begged. Right then my phone rung and saved me. I quickly took it up. "I have to take this" I said and took the note with me as I answered and walked out.

I walked to my room to talk with the person.

"Hi Mark" I greeted him. I still don't know how he got my number but I didn't dare to question him.

"Good evening Louise. Are the job done yet?" he asked.

"No, but it will be" I promised.

"It better. You have three days left" he told me.

"I know. It will be done by then. How are Soph?" I asked.

"Still heartbroken. She really liked that Simon guy" he replied and I nodded for myself.

"Tell her that he will be dealt with soon. I'll call you when it is done" I promised

"He better. I'll be waiting" Mark said before hanging up. I looked at the note in my hand and then began searching through my drawers until I found a lighter. I put the note in my empty metal trashcan before putting it on fire and letting it disappear with the fire.

While I stared at the burning note it was a knock on the door.

"Why is it smelling burnt?" Cal asked through the door.

"It does?" I asked back through the door.

"Yeah. We are a bit worried. You aren't putting the apartment on fire are you?" he asked and I laughed.

"No, that would be stupid" I replied as the fire disappeared and everything that was left of the note were ash.

"Can you let me in?" Cal asked. I quickly put the bin back under the table before walking to open the door.

I looked at Cal as he stood there looking down on my.

"Are you sure there isn't a fire here?" he asked and I nodded.

"Positive" I replied before walking out completely from the room. "About earlier. I'm sorry..." Cal stopped me before I could continue.

"It's alright. I'm sorry too. I trust you Lou, I know you won't leave without saying goodbye" he spoke.

"You don't need to apologize. Just know that the note don't matter. I wrote it long ago" I promised with a smile.

"Good. I can't have you leaving me" Cal said with a smile before kissing me lightly.

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