Samara Bennett

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Character Info

Name: Samara Bennett

Age: 24

Supernatural species: Witch

Family: Sheila Bennett (Grand Mother)
Abby Wilson (Mother)
Bonnie Bennett (younger sister)

Played by: Alexandra Shipp

A/N: I first wrote this fic when I was 16

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A/N: I first wrote this fic when I was 16. My writing style has changed a lot since then. And so did my knowledge about people and cultures other than the ones in my surroundings.

The Vampire Diaries was my first look at a culture and setting outside India so when it came to picking a face for Samara I chose the first Indian actress that came to mind because I didn't know what else to do.

I have since grown to regret that decision and that was one of the reason why I unpublished the book 2-3 years ago. So this was also a chance to fix that. Hope you enjoy Samara's journey.

And if this is your second time reading the fic, thanks for sticking around. There will be some structural changes to the storyline to make it worth a reread.

The Bennett WitchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora