j . j . k ー the lover

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A GUST OF wind flurried oe'r the pallid skin that was Jeon Jungkook's, he shivered as the cool air contrasted with the warmth that his body held. The tranquil waters of the Han river, gently swaying as the breeze swept above it, caressing the water compassionately. With the halcyon days of autumn freshly lingering in the mind of the brown-haired male.

He smiled to himself.

Oh how he missed those days, when the most smallest of problems were nothing. He wished to take back those days. To re-live them and enjoy the time he spent with four other men, men he cared so deeply for.

He took a sharp drag of the cigarette he held in his boney fingers, the toxic smoke gathering in his lungs, absorbing into each and every cell of his body. The younger fell into a violent fit of coughs.




Winter was teasing the citizens of Korea. Its every soft whisper and quaint words hiding behind each corner. Jungkook travelled down the untraveled alleyways, enveloped in the darkness. The glum atmosphere playing with his hair and kissing his lips. His tired eyes watched as faceless men walked past him, the smell of alcohol tainting their breath. Alcohol, the Devil's drink, how the men of God fell so deeply for the sweet nectar of barley and poison.

Jungkook rolled his hands into fists. His heart quickening, his breath uneven.

There before him, stood the infamous, the most notorious, the most vile.

Kim Taehyung. Jungkook stopped in his tracks, his mouth filled with a familiar bitter taste as Taehyung merely smiled seeing the younger. He stood before him playing with a lighter. He was always one to play with fire. He was the boy who played with fire, the fire was his friend. Fire burned through his veins and thrived in his blood.

"Ah, Jeon Jungkook, I never thought to ever see your handsome face walking these streets again," Taehyung's speech was slurred. He spoke dangerously, Jungkook took a cautious step back.

"Ah, Kim Taehyung, how i've wanted to see your handsome face," Jungkook mocked through gritted teeth. Taehyung cocked an eyebrow.

"Now, now. You know what they say about those who have mocked me," Taehyung laughed, the hollow sound of the malicious laugh echoing all around Jungkook, filling his ears, his mind, "they say, that the dog bites back."

"Do they now? well, pardon me. But I have to say they got the dog part right. But it doesn't bite back, it's only a puppy. A youngling," the playful smirk on taehyung's lips vanished. He pushed the lighter he was holding into the denim jacket that he wore. Taehyung moved with great agility, even with the alcoholic sin that plagued his body.

He moved quickly in front of Jungkook, taking his cheeks between his hand and pushing him against the wall. "What did you say to me, you low-life fuck? Do you know how much i've ruined to help your fucking life?" Taehyung shouted into Jungkook's face, his nails pushing deeper and deeper into the younger's flesh.

"You never cared for me," Taehyung pushed Jungkook to the ground. Angrily kicking him in his lower abdomen, swiftly. Jungkook brought his knees up to his chest and rolled over in pain.

"I.DARE.YOU.TO.SAY.THAT.ONE.MORE.TIME," Taehyung shouts, kicking Jungkook with every pause. He grabs the younger by the collar of his shirt, bringing him close to his face, "tell me this Jungkook, why the fuck did you come here? You know that this is my territory. MY LAND!" He threw Jungkook back onto the ground, pushing his weight  down, atop the younger. The collars of Jungkook's shirt still scrunched up in his hands.

Jungkook gasped, opening his mouth rapidly taking in breaths. He tried so hard to calm down, what a foolish idea it was to come here. Tears stung at the corners of his eyes, he stared into the face of Taehyung that hung above him, everything was blurry.

"TELL ME!" Taehyung shouts once again, shaking Jungkook vigorously.

"I-I wanted to-t-to prove, prove my-myself, I-I want-wan-ted to-t-t-to get re-revenge," Jungkook muttered without even realising what he was saying. Taehyung merely laughed.

"Revenge? Revenge? Does it look like you're beating me you little fuck? Do you have a magic trick up your sleeve you what to show me? You piece of shit!" Taehyung shouts once again, bringing his fists down on Jungkook's face. Over and over and over. Till his face is covered in the crimson liquid that filled his heart. Taehyung stared at the younger, his face blind with anger and hate.

"Never come here again you ass-wipe. I've told you before," Taheyung says, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He stands over Jungkook, who is splayed out beneath him, his face unrecognisable, his body bruised. "I want you to remember this day the next time you get any half-baked ideas about coming for me!" Taehyung shouts. Spitting on Jungkook's face before walking way. His hands buried in the pockets of his denim jacket. An essence of mystery shrouded him.

As Taehyung walked further and further away, Jungkook began to sob silently, beneath the dim light that appeared over the horizon at the break of dawn. His face in an excruciating pain, his stomach and legs numb.

"H-hyung, I-I love you hyung...please. Please."

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𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐍, 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐍Where stories live. Discover now