Chapter 4

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Caleb's POV

I sat in between two girls, their chests pushed uncomfortably against my arms as I cradled my cup of alcohol. Across from me sat the small man who'd ignored me when I first came to the office. He looked down at his cup, as if inspecting it for poison.

Finally, he waved the waitress down, gave her the cup, whispered in her ear, then watched her leave before turning back to the table. She returned a few moments later with another cup, placing it in front of him. She smiled at his thanks and took her leave. This time, the man took small sips of the drink, obviously satisfied with the taste.

I opened my mouth to talk to him when one of the girls, Cindi, cut me off. "So, Caleb," she said, trying to pull off a seductive whisper. "Are you... Seeing anyone right now?"

I swallowed. "Well, no, but-"

"Really? A handsome man like you?"

I looked away, turning to the man. I was surprised to see a slight tint of red running across his face. Did he get drunk just from the small sips he'd been taking? "What are you drinking?" I finally asked him, hoping to turn the conversation away from my personal life. Cindi glared at him, angry to have lost a chance to pick me up.

The man, however, sat quietly. When I cleared my throat, he looked up in surprise. His gaze went around the table, finally noticing the stares directed at him. "Are you... Are you talking to me?"

I nodded, waiting for a reply. "What are you having?" I repeated.

"... Orange juice."

I almost thought he was joking, but as I inpsected his glass, I saw it was true. The orange liquid was, in fact, orange juice. Blushing, I decided to ask another question. "What's-"

"Ugh. Why are you even bothering with Aidan? He's not worth your time, Caleb." The other girl, Victoria, said in disgust. She then batted her eyes, looking at me with a lustful expression. "So... What say you and I... Leave here together?"

I almost scowled, but though Better of it. Obviously, she was not aware of my sexual orientation. Then again, neither was I until last night. I smiled softly, shaking my head. "Actually, I'd like to stay here and... Get to know Aidan." I looked at the man, grateful to know his name. Aidan.

He scowled, turning away from the table with his drink. The girls smiled at this, tugging at my arms once more. "So? Want to get out of here?"

I looked at Aidan pleadingly. Finally, he sighed, slamming his glass on the table. That caught the attention of everyone, the room going silent. "You don't seem to understand, so I'll enunciate. He doesn't like you. He's not interested. Go spread your legs for someone else." Aidan's voice was forceful and low, his eyes narrowed. Cindi backed off, but Victoria scowled and persisted.

"And what makes you think that's why he wants?"

"From the way he's moving away from you."

Victoria's gaze shot to me, and I flinched, pulling my arm out of her grip. She scoffed. "He's only doing that because you told him to."

"Ah, yes, of course. He's doing everything I told him to do just now, telepathically."

Chuckles and snickers ran through the quiet room. Victoria growled, shot a glare to Aidan, got up, and left. I sighed in relief, turning to thank Aidan, who had already turned to the waitress, handing her a couple bills for the drink. She nodded to him, and he got up to leave.

Instinct took over and I got up, running after him. Just as he left the building, I grabbed his arm. He turned quickly, surprised. "What-" he took a breath. "What is it?"

I looked at him, swallowing hard. "Um... Well, I wanted to thank you - for earlier."

He blinked, looking down at my hand on his arm. His face reddened, but he brushed it off with a cough. "You just did. Goodbye." He pulled away and left.

As I watched him leave, I felt something well up in my chest. Why did it feel so familiar, watching his back as he leaves? I wasn't sure, but I want to find out.

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