Chapter 1

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Dedicated to ShamelessGayness and MMIMMXVII

Aidan's POV

My hips hurt. I could barely get myself up and dressed for work with the sharp pains that hindered my movements. But, with the new branch manager coming in, I had to be at work. Even if I didn't want to be. In hindsight, I suppose it was a bad idea to have sex with a random stranger, especially on a weekday.

I sighed, thinking of the man. "You okay? You look kinda pale." I jumped, looking up and smiling. "... Andrew. I'm okay."

Andrew grinned, the silver band on his left hand glittering. A sharp pain ran through my chest. He pulled up a small box. "Here. Lydia wanted me to give this to you. For the engagement gift."

"... Of course."

My shaking hands took the small box, a forced smile on my face. A small card sat in the box, along with a bow tie. A wedding invitation. Andrew clapped me on the back. "I want to ask you to be my best man, Aidan."

And there is was. My heart thumped painfully as I answered. "You... Want me?"

Andrew nodded, his eyes full of hope. Of course he'd want me. I'm his best friend. Nothing more. I swallowed. "Y-yeah... I'd love to."

The words felt vile in my throat, but I smiled. "Great! Oh... I'll see you later. Did you hear about the new guy? He's coming today, so I've been sent to greet him. Should be here in the next hour. Later!"

I waved him off, sinking into the chair. What was I thinking? Falling for a straight man, my best friend. It's pointless.

The work day continued, my work slowly disappearing as I submersed myself, hoping to forget. In the end, it's pointless, but it helps.

The office was buzzing with excitement today, many rumors already circulating about the manager that had yet to arrive. Two girls, Cindi and Jane, were huddled by Cindi's desk, swapping stories.

"I hear he's super handsome." Said Cindi.

"I hear he's a playboy" Replied Jane.

"Really? I hear he's here to come after someone."

"Think it's her? Or her?"

"Yeah, right. It's obviously Victoria."

The two girls turned to glance at Victoria, the office's hottest girl. They stared jealously and then went back to their gossip. It made no difference to me, but I listened in to distract myself. "I heard he's the son of the president."

"What? No way. Why would he come here?" Jane asked.

"Don't know. Heard his father wants him to see the branch companies and learn to do the job better."

I snorted. If he's the successor, he's been training his whole life for this. What could he possibly learn from a small part of the company? He could probably do our jobs better than we can!

At least his life seems to be going well... I shook my head. Not the time. I have to work. I turned back to the document on my desk, reaching for it when the manager came in. Not the branch manager, just the manager of our general affairs. He cleared his throat and spoke.

"As you know, we have a new branch manager coming in." Several murmurs rose up. "Because of this, I expect everyone will welcome him and do their very best work. This could be your chance for a promotion, so work hard!"

Several cheers rose up then everything went back to normal. The gossip continued, the keyboards clicked, the clocks ticked on, and my heart remained broken.

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