Chapter Six - That's Not My Name

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It was lunch period, and Katniss and her friends her were sitting at their usual table towards the back of the cafeteria. Marvel had just cracked a stupid joke, something about craving that mineral, and Annie was choking on her water. "Jesus Christ, Marv- I'm eating!" She said in between gasps for air. Marvel looked worried and smug at the same time, "I don't know if I'm supposed to feel sorry or superior," he said, outwardly expressing his conflicting emotions. Thresh was patting Annie on the back, rolling his eyes at their friend.

Katniss cracked a smile and looked over at the students exiting the area where they bought their lunch. A few new faces were wandering around confused, and Gale Hawthorne was heading straight for them. Katniss kicked Clove under the table, and she hissed in pain. "What? Why do you look so-" she came to an abrupt stop when Gale stood at the edge of the table. Clove's eyes widened. "Oh hot damn," she whispered. Katniss didn't mean to, but she sent a sharp glare at her friend.

Cato stood up, and said something to Gale, who nodded. Cato grabbed his tray and moved to the other side, sitting down next to Madge. Gale took Cato's old spot and sat down. "So, guys, this is Gale Hawthorne," he said, gesturing across the table at him. Katniss and him locked eyes and he smiled at her. She nodded, "We met," she said.

Gale nodded, too. "Several times, actually," he corrected. Marvel folded his arms on the table and leaned forward. "So, you're new here?" he asked. "Yeah, I am," Gale clarified. Annie smiled, still red in the face from choking, "And how are you liking it so far?" she asked.

Katniss thought she imagined it, but she was pretty sure she saw his eyes flit towards her. Gale's brow creased as he pursed his lips in thought. "I think it's great. The people here, they're cool," he said with a slight shrug of his shoulders. Johanna made a sound similar to a snort. "Yeah, they're cool until you get to know them," she said, a smirk playing on her lips.

Gale smiled, turning his attention towards her. With his head tilted slightly to the left, he asked, "Are there certain people I should be weary of?" Johanna folded her arms, looking smug. "For starters: me, if you get on my bad side," she began. Madge interrupted, giggling. "Do you have a good side, Jo?" she pointed out. Johanna stopped speaking for a moment, considering this.

Then, her face broke into a dangerous, nearing on psychotic, smile. "Well, then. I guess you have to weary of me all the time, Gorgeous."

Gale smirked, cheeks turning a very light shade of pink (it was almost unnoticeable). "I'll take note of that. I didn't catch your name?" he said. "Let's hope you never have to find out," Johanna replied smartly. Annie rolled her eyes. "Johanna Mason," she said, pointing in Jo's direction. Gale nodded, "Okay. I'll remember that name. Johanna Mason," he said, staring back at Johanna.

Johanna sank low in her seat, glaring at Annie. "Thanks for killing my mystery." Annie beamed. "No problem at all, my dear friend," she said.

At that moment, Foxface- her real name was Amy Hills- came rocketing towards the table. "What did I miss?" she asked, breathless. Katniss pushed her tray over, and made room for her to sit. Marvel shrugged, smiling at their newly arrived friend. "Not much, just met Gale here," he said, waving in Gale's general direction.

Foxface looked over at Gale, and Katniss noticed her eyes widen slightly. "Oh, uh, hey," she said, sitting down. Cato took a bite of sandwich and swallowed. "That's Foxface," he introduced, pointing at her. Foxface blushed, looking down. "That's not my name," she mumbled. She looked up and glanced at Gale. "Well, it's my nickname. My real name's Amy," she added.

Gale nodded. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Amy...?"

"Hills. Amy Hills."

"Of course. It's a pleasure to meet you, Amy Hills."

Katniss wouldn't dare let anyone know, but she was boiling with jealousy under the surface. The other girls and Gale had all had these nice exchanges, and Katniss hadn't- not that she knew of. And she knew it wasn't fair, but she couldn't help but think they were flirting with him. Katniss understood that it wasn't her place to feel jealous, she'd just met him herself!

There was a thud nearby, and the entire table looked over. A curly haired blonde boy had been dumping his tray when he'd dropped the tray in, too. Katniss heard him curse loudly, raking a hand through his bright hair. His eyes darted around, and they rested on Katniss. They were a nice, light blue color.

With the eyes and the hair, Katniss recognized him immediately. It was that mystery boy from gym class. "Nice going, Baker Boy!" Johanna shouted, laughing. His face flushed red, and he reached his hand into the garbage, retrieving the tray.

Katniss frowned and watched the boy put his tray down and scurry back to his seat, where his friends sat. Katniss turned back and focused her attention on Johanna. "Who is that?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at the still blushing boy. Johanna laughed again. "Who, him? That's Peeta Mellark, the baker's son," she said.

Katniss looked back at the mystery boy who now had a name. "Peeta Mellark, huh?"

A/N: So now they know his name! And now we've met everyone in the group. No, I'm leaving anyone out. We haven't properly met Finnick, Glimmer, Delly, or any of the other recognizable names. But they will be more in the story later on. For now, SPOILER, it will be about Katniss learning about Peeta and meeting him formally.

EDIT: I received a comment from someone expressing their confusion. I know this story in confusing- it's because I am redoing it. So, this being said, please don't read any of the chapters that don't have the title 'Chapter _ - ______.' If they don't have this, please don't read it, and wait until they do. Thank you for your patience, lol.

Thanks, hope you enjoyed!
Happy (almost) New Years everyone!
xo everywhereandnowhere

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