Chapter 19

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Niall's POV

After Vanessa pulled out of the drive way, I decided to take a walk to cool down like Vanessa suggested. I didn't really mean to say those words to my mum, they just came out. I was so frustrated and aggravated with her, I just couldn't help it. I know my words hurt her, I could see it in her eyes when she was begging me to stop. I just need to go back and apologize. That's all I can do. I shouldn't have been so rude, I just can't control my temper.

"Mum?" I shout when I get through the door, but she don't answer. "Mum!" I shout again, still no response. I walk up stairs to her bed room and she isn't there. She isn't in any rooms upstairs either, she must be in the kitchen cleaning up my mess.

"Mum? I'm sorry, okay? Can you stop ignoring me?" I say walking to the kitchen. All the glass from the plates are picked up, except for one piece.

Vanessa's POV

I pull up to my moms house and slowly get out. I haven't been here since she kicked me out. I walk up the steps and knock on my old door. It don't seem that long ago, it feels like it was yesterday I was going to Florida with Niall. But really, it was just last week.

Seconds later, Liam opens the door. When he sees me, his eyes light up and he smiles. I've missed that smile so much. He wraps his arms around me, gently squeezing.

"Van, I've missed you so much. Even though it's only been a week." Liam says and we both laugh.

"How's mom?" I ask, taking off my shoes and jacket.

"She's good. How come your not at school?" Did mom not tell him I went to Florida?

"I just got back from Florida, did mom not tell you?" I ask following Liam into the kitchen and sitting at the table.

"No, I just thought she was angry." His eyes travel to my wrist, I know he seen it. He looks out the window for a few seconds then back to my wrist, he picks up my wrist and examines it.

"A tattoo? When did you get it? Does mom know? Did he make you?" Liam says with concern and frustration in his voice. I just laugh at how protective he is.

"No, no. It was my choice. I got really drunk and I wanted a tatt-" Liam cuts me off before I finish my sentence.

"You got drunk? Really drunk?" Liam stands up from his chair and clenches his fist by his side.

"Liam, I am old enough to get drunk and get a tattoo. I'm fine. Niall didn't push me into anything, I swear," he nods his head and sits back down. I fell my phone start to vibrate and Niall's name flashes on the screen. I slide my finger across the answer button and a tragic Niall answers.

"V-Vanessa you need to get home right now.. Please. As fast as you can." I could tell he was crying and out of breath from speaking to me. I ran back to the door and put my shoes on, I grabbed my jacket and keys and ran out of the door.

"Niall babe, what's wrong?" I frantically asked.

"It's my mum. Please hurry home baby. I don't know why she would do this!" Niall breaks down into sobs. I stand there in the yard frozen. Niall's mom. His harsh words. The breaking glass. Niall going for a walk. Me leaving. She's...dead.

"Vanessa! Vanessa!" Liam stood in front of me shaking me and yelling my name.

"I-I got to go, Liam," I said in a whisper. I walked over to my car with tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I break down into sobs and Liam rushes over to my side. He yanks the car door open and begins to pick me up. I wriggle from his arms and get into the passenger seat.

"What's wrong, Vanessa?" Liam asks me in a stern voice.

"Just drive. Just drive me to Niall." In the corner of my eye I see the scowl on his face. I know he hates Niall, but right now, he needs to like him.


We pull onto the street and I see cop cars and a few ambulances parked around the house. I see the yellow tape and I know I was right. The sweet, loving woman who put everything in her life for her child, killed her self because of her child. Than I see him. Niall is sitting on the steps with his hands over his eyes. Before Liam stops the car, I'm running over to him.

"Ma'am you can't go any further, this is a crime scene." No shit Sherlock.

"That's my boyfriend, I need to get to him," the officer lifts the yellow tape and I run to him.

"Niall..?" I question a few feet away. He lifts his head and I gasp for air when his eyes meet mine. He eyes are swollen and a deep shade of red, there are tear stains on his checks. I slowly walk closer, I sit down next to him and wrap my arms around him.

"It's all my fault!" Niall sobs into my shoulder and I can't imagine the pain he is going through.

"I-I never meant for this to happen. I killed my mum with my harsh words! I-I just!" He pulls away and goes into the house. I'm left alone on the steps of the house. I know Niall went upstairs to his moms room. I can hear him sobbing.

I stand up and go upstairs. Niall is looking at a picture of him and his mom when he was about ten years old. He moves over to another picture with his mom, dad, and him. He looks three or four in the picture. He has a big smile on his face, which makes me smile.

"It's okay, Niall. It was her decision. I love you." I say quietly. I lay down on the bed taking in the scent. It smells like flowers, something Maura always smelt like.

"I'm going to miss her. Even how much I said she was a bitch and I hated her, I said the words to her face. And look what I did." He lays down beside me and wraps a arm around my waist.

"We can still live here. Take care of the house for her," I offer, hoping Niall will listen.

"No. I can't live here without her. We won't sell the house but it will be here. No ones aloud in it except for me and you. And I don't want a funeral. Just burry her, burry her beside my dad." Niall has now lost both of his parents, no grandparents, or aunts and uncles, nothing. Everyone lives in Ireland.

"We can get our own place and have a fresh start. Pick out our collages and life will take us on from there." I entwine our fingers together and soon sleep over takes me.

{Awh! Poor Niall! Everything will be okay! But it was his fault :(

I made another book! It's called explosions! It's about Harry! I hope you like it as much as I do!

I don't really know an update schedule. Every night I fall asleep talking to a guy so yeah...

Keep reading and voting!! Love you guys!!! -Bb}

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