5 | Never gets better

721 30 16

( Reader's P.O.V )

Day 1:

Whilst walking there, I looked back at the address that Skandar had given me. "This can be right." I said to myself. In front of me was a gigantic gate with a huge house in it. I'm pretty sure that I got the address right. I'm hardly wrong when it comes to directions.I can't believe that he wants me to do stuff for him- I have other things to do Mkay, Skandar? I'm not just kind of human that could be toyed around.
Well, it's not like I don't want to do it, it's just that I have plans throughout my holiday such as finishing the 'Theory of Relativity' book. I know it's more to studying than actually having fun but, reading non-fiction books is fun to me.

Suddenly, I felt someone's presence behind me. I dared not to look since I thought that it was a kidnapper or something.  I was scared then okay? When you're scared, you think of the worst outcomes and that was me. When I finally realised that I was just overreacting, I turned around. But, it was a little too soon. I then accidentally kissed the person behind me. Well, I was looking up since I knew that the person was taller than me just to see who that is but, I probably should've not done that at that situation. Such an idiot. I pulled away quickly thanks to my reflexes, to discover that I just kissed... Skandar Keynes.

Well, it's more of a peck of the lips but, it can't be him? Oh for god sake, why couldn't it just be another random person such as a mailman or something. Why did it have to be Skandar Keynes standing behind me? I was starting to wish that it was really a kidnapper so that s/he could just take me away not leading me into this very awkward situation. We both had astonished looks on our faces. Well, mine was more of a blushing-like-a-tomato kind of astonished so I tried to not let him see it since it was really obvious. But nonetheless, we were astonished.

"y-y/n?" He managed to say something to break this awkward situation. "Oh, hey, I'm so sorry. I d-d-didn't know you were-" I said, looking down at my hands whilst caressing the scars on it wishing it would go away. I ran my hands through my hair shyly since I knew that he was still in front of me. He just looked at me and smiled, "You don't really need to apologise. I'm sorry for sneaking up on you like that."
I smiled back, "you were sneaking up on me?" I asked, just out of curiosity.
"Yes, I just wanted to see your reaction to my house, actually." He replied with a grin. Oh what a show off.

"This huge place is yours?" I suddenly reacted. Skandar laughed and nodded.
"Wait. So, you actually gave me your address? What if I'm some kind of paparazzi or a fan who likes to spill secrets and informations about celebrities? I don't want you to take this the wrong way but you've just known me for a day. You know, I don't think you should go out handling your address to people you barely know, you idiot."
I said for a matter of fact but I should've dropped the idiot part, that was a little to harsh. "And yet you still go around kissing people just because they're behind you." Skandar shot back, smirking.
Gosh his smirks just puts me on edge. Well, it wasn't really a 'kiss' it was just an unexpected peck on the lips, more or less.
"That-that was an accident, I swear. Do you really think that I was intentionally wanting to do that?" I scoffed, hoping he doesn't notice me blushing. Again. "Maybe," he answered and laughed once more, "But I gave you my address because I trust you, y/n. You seemed nice." He smiled. I was obviously flattered. It was nice to be given a compliment once in a while. It's not that I crave it or something, it's just kind off rare to be actually hearing people saying good and nice things to me.

"But still," I gushed.
"Calm down, it's not a big deal." He said. He actually gave his address to me? I can't believe it. Well, I am surprised but I honestly didn't mind having his address. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity so, why not? 


Authors note:

If you're reading this, you need to know these things-

I am bad at writing. :D

Pls vote and tell others 😬💛

Till then,


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