Chapter 1/Introduction

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A/N: Welcome to A Love Already Blossomed... So, I had a previous Chapter 1 (and Chapter two, Chapter three, Chapter four, and so on) that was written when I was somewhere around 12-13 years old before I even published this, but my stupid self was reading this part over and decided how stupid it sounded.... the problem was that I was reading Shakespeare before I was rereading this part, and I thought that Chapter 1 sounded stupid, so I deleted it (of course) and I just realized that it wasn't that bad, considering it was written by a middle schooler... so now I am trying to recall and write it as best as I can because in addition to deleting in, stupid me tore out the pages from my notebook.... anyway, enjoy!


The lair was silent. It was as silent as it has ever been, and the only thing that broke through the thick, unbearable weight of silence was the unusually soft sound of the pipe organ that Erik had sitting in the middle of his dark, lonely lair. It played a familiar tune, a tune which Y/N admired greatly. It softly played its solemn notes as if they each were bad memories being released from the soft wooden instrument. Its notes were once sung with wonder and curiousity, and were now instead played like a burden upon one's shoulders. In her mind, Y/N could hear Erik softly singing the lyrics.

Night time sharpens, hightens each sensation

Darkness stirs and wakes imagination

Silently the senses abandon their defenses.

Her heart sunk, yet the imaginary voice of Erik, the Phantom, her love, lifted her soul greatly. She smiled to herself and looked back to her book, ridding her mind of her forbidden fantasies.

The candles flickered, piercing through the painful darkness as greatly as they could. They illuminated the space of Erik's lair and caused shadows to fall onto the pages of Y/N's book. They broke the the darkness of the lair, the darkness of all of the rooms, the even the mere idea of darkness in the lonely lair, yet they did not break the darkness of Erik's heart, and that was the worst possible things. Yes, his heart has always been dark, and his mind an endless labyrinth of terrible memories of the past, but never have his mind, heart, or soul ever been so dark. Y/N could not bear the sight of Erik in such a state as this, and the shame was that Y/N couldn't do anything to help him.

It was suddenly months earlier. The candles were ablaze, and so was Erik's anger and passion. Blood was running down my head and I was lying on the ground, motionless.

Just minutes before Erik had brought Christine down to his lair (aka 45 minutes-1 hour before), she was scampering out of Erik's boat and away from a man. The man was trying to find Erik, and no matter the countless times Y/N had tried to warn him that something bad would happen to him if he did dare to wander down to the labyrinth which held Erik's most private secrets. This man had disregarded any word Y/N tried to tell him, and followed her into the lair, swimming after her in the murky waters of the lake. The man, a police officer, grabbed Y/N from behind.

"Tell me where he is, ghost! Tell me now!" he spoke.

"Never," Y/N replied coldly, her words as piercing as the gaze she wore.

"Is that so, little mademoiselle? What you're doing is a felony, you know. You could be thrown in prison, and I don't think such an ordinary girl such as yourself would like that very much. Defending this man could cause you trouble. He is a murderer."

Y/N stayed silent and listened to the man's words. She knew what Erik has done, but he had a reasons for why he did this. Christine was his life, and he had a right to keep his own life from slipping from his fingers.

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