Stop being obsessed

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I opened our house door and the lights were off. I couldn't see a thing. I switched it on and everyone jumped out shouting 'Surprise!'. It was all of my family. From my greatgrandmother to my ity bity baby cousins.

"Hey,everyone!" I started hugging everyone.

"Welcome home Lila!" my aunt kissed my cheeks.

"Look at my baby girl. All grown up." my dad said bringing a cake out.

"A cake? Thanks everyone." I smiled.

"Lets go cut it." my grandmother suggested.

Everyone followed her into the kitchen except me. I sat on the couch arm thinking when Kellie came to me.

"Whats wrong,L?" she asked.

"Just thinking." I answered.

"About Dean?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah.." I sighed.

"How about after the party we go do some research. See if he is still in Minnesota." she smiled.

"Okay." I got up and followed her into the kitchen.


"Well he's still in Minnesota and he works at his dad's car repair shop. 'Danny's Car Repair'." Kellie said looking at new pictures of Dean and his dad posing in front of the repair shop.

"Great. We should probably hit him up later. Now I'm gonna take a shower." I said going into the bathroom.

"K. I'm gonna go the salon." Kellie shouted jogging downstairs.

"Tell Micky I said hey!" I shouted back closing the bathroom door.

I took off my clothes and turned the shower on. For a while the water drained on me. For a while the bathroom was quiet until I heard a ruffle in the bushes through my bathroom window. I peeked out, but saw nothing.

"Probably the wind." I said to myself.

Then I heard it again, but this time I saw a hint of green brush past. What was that? I continued to shower. After I was finished I wrapped my blue towel around my waist. I took  out a blue ripped short america t-shirt, white skinny jeans and black combat boots. After I was done getting dressed I went downstairs.

"Mom, is Dad here?" I asked.

"No, just you and I. Now help me clean up." she said wiping the counters.

She wasnt wearing green... I wonder who was by the window. Hmm...

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