but he did agree that it wasn't a very bad idea to befriend someone, in case he needs a friend later in the school year. so, namjoon wasn't too bad. but still, he just wanted to be alone.

about five minutes pass and yoongi is still sprawled out on the colorful carpet, resting. he was glad namjoon wasn't really bothering him. he just let his mind wander and pretended he was dreaming.

"sleep! wake up!" namjoon exclaims and gently hits yoongi in the face with his plush animal.

yoongi languidly sits up and shakes his head. "why...." he complains, rubbing his forehead.

"we have to sit with teacher! c'mon," he grabs yoongi's chubby arm and pulls him to the desks where the other children are waiting. they quickly sit at an empty table in the back of the room, waiting diligently for their teacher's instructions.

ms. joohyun adjusted her round-framed glasses before clapping her hands together enthusiastically. "hello class! we have a new student today... min yoongi, please stand!"

the whole class turns in their seats, their eyes wide and excited to meet the new boy. yoongi strongly hates the attention but stands up anyway, his arms crossed in childish anger.

"h-hi," yoongi squeaks out. his classmates stare at him intently, at the edge of their seats with curiosity.

and that was it.

min yoongi's great, booming introduction.

a simple, "hi."

honestly, he still didn't care. as long as he said something, people would pay no attention, right?

he hesitantly sits down.

before the teacher is about to ask yoongi to say more, there is a slam, followed by frantic footsteps.

a boy rushes into the classroom, panting heavily and holding on tightly onto a tattered green backpack. his thick hair is windswept across his forehead and his uniform is messily thrown together, crumpled and untidy. yoongi notices that the children pay no attention to the latecomer, and treat the situation like it was a regular, everyday scene. their eyes are still on yoongi.

the mystery boy gives a short wave and happy, heart-shaped smile to the class before turning quickly to the patient teacher, his weak smile growing noticeably nervous.

"hoseok, you're late again today," ms. joohyun says with a soft sigh, but she gives him a reassuring smile.

"i sorry! i sorry!" the boy... hoseok shouts and bows his head, quickly handing his teacher a pink note.

the teacher chuckles softly while tucking the paper slip into her pocket. "it's ok hoseok, you can sit now."

yoongi doesn't like hoseok at first glance. he was very hyper and yoongi was too tired to deal with someone like that. energized people require energy, yoongi has none. hoseok seemed way too high-maintenance.

he scowled, observing hoseok with his little eyes narrowed.

was yoongi hardcore judging him? yes. did yoongi care? no.

much to yoongi's frustration, hoseok spots the two boys and conviently picks the seat right next to yoongi and namjoon.

"i don't like loud," yoongi grumbles quietly as hoseok sits down.

"hi!" namjoon greets quickly, an adorable smile plastered on his face. yoongi assumes that they're friends, or something of the sort.

"hello!" hoseok chrips happily, waving at namjoon. he suddenly notices yoongi and gasps happily, glancing at namjoon with a surprised and overjoyed expression. new people excited him for some reason.

"hi! i'm hobi!" hoseok giggles, poking yoongi's face with his finger.

yoongi immediately flinches at the touch. "mmph... yoongi.." the sleepy boy mumbles, before closing his eyes again.

hoseok squeals, "aww! little yoongi you're so cute!" and pinches his chubby cheeks.

"i'm tireeeeeeed," yoongi whines in reply, lying his head onto the cold desk.

namjoon just watches the two eagerly, tapping his fingers against the table. hoseok turns to namjoon with a grin brighter than the sun.

"he's adorable!" hoseok excitedly whispers to namjoon; he points directly at yoongi, who is too clueless to notice.

namjoon just smiles and nods, clearly not as interested in yoongi as hoseok was.

yoongi pretended he was asleep, so he could hear the nice things hoseok said about him.

it was strange, they've only met minutes ago but hoseok was going on and on, about how he thought yoongi would be a great friend and how cute he was.

i guess he's okay... yoongi thought sheepishly in his mind. he's never had someone his age awe over him so much; usually adults would do that.

hoseok seemed special in some odd way.


yoongi spent the rest of class napping,

and occasionally sneaking glances at hoseok.



sorry for somewhat abrupt chapter ending ;-; !! hopefully it was ok besides that tho !!
thanks sm for reading!

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