Chapter 5

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A/N Yeah I know, I couldn't find another pic in my computer to give, so I just picked this one from like years ago and put it here. Enjoy!

"I wonder how she's doing~" I said while I danced with one of my girls. I smiled brightly when the women didn't say anything back, she was dead after all. I laughed and dropped her on the floor. Her skin was black and blue from lack of oxygen in the blood. I basically drained her dry for my own pleasure and survival. I called for one of my maids and they ran in with a bucket and mop. Another also ran in to take the body away. I scoffed and walked away. I walked through my beautiful halls of my mansion, I had old fashion, Victorian paintings of my family up and down the walls of the mansion. I loved my family dearly, if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have been here. 

You know, eating. 

I laughed at my own mind and I looked through each of my rooms. Most of them had blood splatters and the rest with woman either sitting looking miserable or they are dead. I smiled gleefully when I seen my most favorite maid out of all of them.  She is actually the head maid, she helps the others by not getting on my nerves and having me kill them. She also gives them orders when I'm not around.  She has a short pixie hair cut and her face is half covered with a bandage. I gouged her eyes out when she witnessed something that she wasn't supposed to see. I also cut her tongue out so that she wouldn't tell anyone what she seen. I was happy of my choice, was, she's a good maid and if she didn't eat, then well...she dies. Basic human beings. When I noticed that she was starting to work a lot slower and was looking more pale by the day and getting weaker. I knew that I had to do something. 

I don't like to throw good things away. At that time, Slender was over for a little while because he was making some new updates in his mansion. He offered to make me some kind of liquid or potion that would help the maid and I accepted. After a small dose of the potion, she was back in action. I was beyond grateful and offered him and the other creepypasta's that lived with him dinner at my place. They all accepted and we had lots of fun. I wouldn't call her and me friends though. She still hates me because of everything else that I did. But I warmed up to her because of how a great maid she is, and she warmed up to me (a little) because I kept her alive and healthy.

I walked up to her and patted her shoulder.

"Hello, Hilda, how is everything going?" I asked her and she looked at me and I heard her small but confident voice in my mind.

"Everything is going fine, sir. We will be working in the other rooms while you are gone, I hope you have a safe trip." I smiled a genuine smile and patted her back. 

"As long as I don't come back to a burning mansion, everything will be fine. You have a good day now, all of your chores are in the office. You know where to find them." She nodded and went back to dusting off vases.

I turned from her and I walked over to my front door. Some maids were waiting for me to say good bye and so I left.


"How are you~?"

"AHHH" (y/n) screamed and I watched as she scooted away from me. 

"What the fUCK!" She screamed at me and I laughed.

"You should have seen your face!" I walked over to her holding my fedora down and I squatted in front of her. She looked scared and I seen that the rose still wasn't working. I got mad and growled.

"Why won't you just fucking give in already!!" I yelled and grabbed her by the throat, I slammed her against the nearest wall and I got in her personal space by closing in on her. 

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