Walking The Path Of Awkward Silence

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"Just saying hello, no need to be so grumpy." The darker skinned boy came into view, but seemed yet to notice Katie and the other knight. "What are you doing out here? I almost never see you outside."

Keith moved his gaze to the Princess, and Lance followed. His joking demeanor dropped, and he quickly bent into a bow. "Ah, apologies, Princess Katie. I didn't notice you there.."

"Ah, Lance." Katie tried to keep the pleased surprise from her voice, but it certainly showed on her expression as she smiled up at the boy. "Hello."

He stood up straight again, rubbing the back of his neck as he glanced to the side. "Good afternoon. I'll be on my way, then." He bowed briefly again, then turned to leave.

"Ah, wait!" She said, perhaps a bit too quickly. When Lance looked back, she straightened and spoke again. "Would you like to join us? We're just taking a walk in the sunlight. Unless you've things to do.." She offered, feeling hopeful.

The servant hesitated, glancing to Keith, then Takashi. While the mullet haired boy still held a scowl, his older brother had a soft smile. "I.. Well if you're offering, I certainly would never turn down a request from the princess." Lance smiled kindly, a simple action that tugged butterflies into the brunettes girl's stomach.

Katie nodded slightly in the direction of the thin trail they kept on, one that looped the castle. She wasn't allowed any further than it. As they started to walk, their conversation quickly fell to silence. She didn't know what to say, and Lance seemed stiff and uncertain.

After just a few short moments, she finally found something to say, even if it was a subject she wasn't fond of. "Lance, will you be at the ball? I'm sure after all your help, Allura certainly invited you?" She inquired.

Lance shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. "No, actually. Madam Allura knows better than to invite a peasant, Princess. I will be along after, of course, to help clean up." He smiled, but it seemed to lack the warmth Katie usually saw.

"Oh." Was all she said. There was so many things she wanted to ask, to say. She felt the need to express her gratitude for his help, and ask where he learned to dance. Would he be willing to lead her again with the music he seemed to control? But with the company that followed behind them, she kept silent.

The silent pause wasn't long, the sun had barely moved and they had made little progress through the trail, but Takashi spoke up in the kind tone he saved for only the Princess. "Katie, we should be getting back. There are preparations your mother mentioned you need be a part of, for the ball tomorrow." He said, resting a gentle hand on her shoulder from beside her.

The four stopped walking, and Katie gave a slight nod before she looked to Lance. He was staring at Takashi, seeming in awe, but pulled his gaze back to her, their eyes meeting. "Sorry for keeping you out so long, thank you for joining us." She smiled as she spoke, looking up at him. "And.. If you can, it would be nice to see you at the ball. But anyways.." She gave a simple curtsy. "Until next time, Lance." With that, the Princess and two knights turned to leave.

As they walked, leaving the servant boy behind and nearly out of sight, Takashi heard a simple line that the Princess did not. The words brought a smile to his lips, hope to his heart.

"S-Save me a dance, Princess. I'll be there.."



Lance didn't think she heard. Lance hoped she didn't hear. What a stupid thing to say to a princess. A request, a stuttered request for a dance? How foolish could he be? The Princess was kind-hearted, but even so such a thing was certainly out of his league. She would be far too busy dancing with that Lotor.

The thought made him unsure whether to smile or frown. She had made it rather obvious of her dislike for the Prince, which gave Lance pointless hope, but saddened him to think she may be fated to such a man. He knew little of Lotor himself, only that he was a selfish and greedy man, but more of his father. King Zarkon wanted nothing but domination, to rule all of the land. Even that out of his reach. Wedding his son off to the Princess of this kingdom was only a way for him to gain control over it.

Even so, Lance found himself window shopping. Alas, the lightness of his coin pouch kept him from stepping inside any of the extravagant shops, and he eventually left for home.

Even before he reached the door, Lance could hear noise coming from inside his small house. He couldn't help but to smile as he stepped in, immediately ducking to avoid being hit with a lumpy pillow. It was always good to be home.

It wasn't long before he was dragged into the shenanigans, throwing pillows and trying to escape getting his hair ruffled by his older siblings. Through all of the noise, none of them heard the first knock. But when a second, much louder one, rang throughout the small house, everyone stopped.

It was Lance's mother that went over, clearing her throat and fixing her hair before she opened the door. She breathed in a small gasp, and he heard her apologize for the noise. As he stepped over, curious as to why she had suddenly straitened her back and given a slight bow, his eyes went slightly wide at the sight of Takashi Shirogane, the Queen's most trusted knight.

The man chuckled, holding up a hand and assuring the older woman that he was not there about the noise, as there didn't seem to have been any complaints. But that he simply wanted a word with her son. Specifically, her youngest son, Lance.

#Finally I got around to finishing this part. Sorry about the wait! A lot kind of just got in the way, with work and moving and etc. But I've got some free time now, so I'll try and get the next part out within the next couple of days! Thank you for the patience, and for the comments. Honestly, I wasn't sure I'd ever get around to finishing this.. But I hate starting something and sharing it, then not bothering to finish. But yeah! More soon, I hope. ^^#

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