Sore Toes

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"Katie, again in the library? You know you have dance lessons soon, you should be getting ready!" The brunette's mother was standing in the doorway with a hand on her hip, a scolding look in her eyes and sound in her tone.

Katie huffed softly, peeking from over the book she had been distracted by. "Mother, I don't-" She cut off upon seeing the woman's glare, and with reluctance marked her book and stood. 'I don't want to dance, I want to read.' She argued mentally.


Being a princess was difficult, to many's disbelief. Yes, being a starving peasant was unarguably worse, but that didn't make having to listen to her dance teacher complain every time she stepped slightly wrong any less annoying.

"You're moving your left foot too far. If you damage that boy's toes it's on your hands." Madam Allura practically barked, ordering another go.

Keith, the knight whom had reluctantly agreed to assist in Katie's dance lessons, had had his fair share of being stepped on by the princess. Katie felt bad, especially when her misstep was intentional in an attempt to get her teacher to call for a break.

The black haired boy winced, jerking back instinctively as his feet were stomped yet again. With a sigh, and a hidden glare at the princess, he requested to be excused, claiming to have promised his brother his time for training.

With a scoff, Allura excused him. Katie was grateful, holding back a grin as the boy left and she went for her more comfortable shoes.

"Not so fast, Princess." The Madam put a hand up, stopping her with a wave. "We must have you ready by the ball. At this rate, it's as if you're simply getting worse. I'll return with a new partner for you." She left with a sigh, leaving Katie in the spacious room alone.

"Just what I need." Katie murmured, her sarcastic tone matched with an eye roll. "Another moody knight to step on." She took a seat at the grand piano, her fingers brushing over the keys. She had never properly learned to play, only a few notes when she was still a child. Her brother, Matthew, would play her any song she requested. That was before his and their father's disappearance, of course. It's been well over a year, and the family was certain of their King and his only son's death. All but the grief stricken but still hopeful princess.

It wasn't long that she was alone- to her dismay. Allura returned within minutes, dragging behind her an unsure looking servant. His skin was a beautiful brown, his eyes and hair dark. Katie had seen him around the castle, he worked seemingly happily to do whatever he was instructed. It was hard not to notice him, when he was always smiling brightly.

Now, though, he simply looked nervous.

"I doubt he can dance, but he will have to do. Anyone can move their feet with more grace than you have been showing." The white haired teacher lead the servant over, then left him to stand on his own to return to her spot at the side.

Katie gave the boy an apologetic look, which was returned with a bow from the boy. It was unnecessary, but she had long since given up expressing  her dislike for such formal things.

Without a word, and with instruction from Madam Allura, the servant gently took Katie's hand in his. Within moments, her feet were already a jumbled mess beneath her. She had stomped the poor boy's toes at least four times, but he simply smiled and kept on.

Much to her surprise, and even more to Allura, this boy who'd yet to be introduced could dance fairly well. He led like a gentleman, one hand comfortably on the Princess's waist while the other held her hand ever so slightly to the side.

Keith could dance, but his steps always seemed mechanical, predictable in the worst of ways. He didn't smile, simply danced until he was able to excuse himself.

This boy, however, swayed in tune to the music Allura produced from her violin, while somehow looking like it was him whom controlled the sound. His smile was bright again as they danced, entrancing Katie. She stopped thinking, simply following him. While she didn't notice, her teacher was happily impressed to see how few missteps their were compared to earlier.

This boy was surely a genius.

#Slow start, but more Pigance! It's such a cute pair, and I finally got an idea for something, so yeah! ^^/#

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