We walked outside, then walked over to the house next to us. The For Sale sign in the yard, had another smaller sign on the corner of it that read Sold. A women in a yellow sun dress came out and smiled when she saw my mother and I. "Hello, you must be our new neighbors", she said. My mother nodded and smiled. "Yes I am. My name is Hana Oikawa and this is my son, Tooru Oikawa", my mom introduced us. The women smiled. "I'm Akane Iwaizumi. It's nice to meet you", she nodded her head slightly and my mother did the same. "Do you need any help unpacking?", my mom asked. The lady smiled kindly and nodded. "Oh thank you. Of course", she said then walked towards the moving truck. My mom followed her, but I didn't because something else caught my eye.

A boy my age. He had spiky dark hair and was wearing a blue t-shirt and khaki shorts. I approached him and smiled. "Hello! I'm Tooru Oikawa!", I exclaimed happily. The boy looked at me like I grew a second head. "I'm your new neighbor", I added with less confidence. "Oh that makes sense. Is that your mom helping my mom?", he pointed towards the two women who were unloading boxes from the moving truck. I nodded and smiled. "What's your name?", I asked. I prayed he wouldn't notice my bare wrist, but everyone notices it the second they lay eyes on me. "Hajime Iwaizumi..", he says in a bored tone. "Oh! It's nice to meet you Iwaizumi-chan!" , I say happily. "Don't used that honorific with my name", he blankly says. I flinch at his tone. "I'm sorry Iwaizumi!", I quickly bow to show an apology. Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and sighs. "You don't have to bow to apologize", he once again uses that blank, bored tone. I stand up straight and smile. "Oh okay Iwaizumi!"

He only nods and sits on the grass. I sit across from him and smile. Its been about 5 minutes and he hasn't said anything about my mark, I thought. I look at Iwaizumi's soulmate mark and notice it's a T with an O underneath. I then looked back up at Iwaizumi's face and smiled. "So why did you move houses?", I asked.
Iwaizumi seemed hesitant to answer, but then finally responded.
"My mom just wanted a fresh start is all..", he said in a quite tone. I could tell it was a touchy subject so I didn't ask about why she wanted a fresh start. I just smiled and nodded.

For some reason...I felt happy around this boy.
I wonder why. (A/N: It's because you're slowly turning gay)

"Oi. Why do you smile so much. Your mouth is gonna break from how much you smile", Iwaizumi said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh? I guess I'm happy to meet new people", I respond. Iwaizumi only nods. "So how old are you?", I asked. "I'm 12."
"Really?! Me too!", I exclaimed. Iwaizumi only nodded once again. "We'll go to the same school too! Will you be my friend?!", I asked. "I will only if you stop yelling." I immediately smiled once again and cheered gleefully. "Yay!" Iwaizumi glared at me for yelling again, so I stopped and talked quieter.

"Sorry for yelling...I just feel happy..you're my first friend", I said. My smile was replaced with a sad smile. I started to remember how I was treated in school. Will Iwaizumi hate me once he finds out how other kids feel about me, I thought. I looked at Iwaizumi and saw him give me a look of pity. "Don't you go to school and hang out with other kids?", he asked. I nodded and smiled sadly. "Yes, but they don't like me", I responded. "Why?", Iwaizumi asked.

Before I could answer I heard a loud shattering noise. It sounded similar to the one earlier when my mom dropped her mug of tea. I heard a gasp and my mom frantically apologizing. Iwaizumi and I stood up at the same time and ran towards the moving truck. I saw my mom dropped a small box that apparently contained a small red vase. Iwaizumi's mom just smiled at her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay it's okay. It was a cheap old thing anyways. I can live without it", she reassured my mom quickly. My mom only nodded and looked down at her hands. She looked confused and scared. Once again, I noticed her hands were shaky.

"Mom why don't you go home and rest...? Iwaizumi and I will help put the rest of the boxes inside..", I said with a small smile on my lips. My mom nodded slightly and looked down. "I guess I'll have to. I don't want to accidentally drop anything else and I feel lightheaded..", she pressed the palm of her hand against her forehead and sighed. "Make sure your home by dinner time", my mom said kindly, the walked back towards the house. I only nodded and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Iwaizumi with a look of concern on his face as my mother walked back to our house. 

After Iwaizumi and I cleaned up the remains of the red vase that was spilled on the driveway, we carried the few boxes that were left inside. Mrs. Iwaizumi thanked me and smiled sweetly at me. "Tell your mother I hope she gets better soon and not to Worry about the vase." I nodded at her request and smiled. "Goodbye Mrs.Iwaizumi. Goodbye Iwa-chan", I waved and walked back towards my house. As I was walking my eyes widened in shock. Did I just call him Iwa-chan?!, I thought.

Iwaizumi's Pov:

I hear my mother giggle slightly as the words "Iwa-chan" escaped Oikawa's mouth. My face reddened with embarrassment at the nickname.
"Aw how cute, he already has a nickname for you", my mom coos and smiles at me. "Go wash up while I order dinner", she said as we both walked inside. "It's not cute..", I say as I leave her side and walk up stairs to my new bedroom which was filled with boxes of my belongings.

This is going to be a lot of unpacking.., I thought.
Maybe I can ask Oikawa to help me- I immediately stop my thoughts and shake my head slightly. No, anyone but him..he seems nice but he looks to...happy..his smile is blinding. Plus he talks to loud..

I thought back to what he said "-I just feel happy...you're my first friend", I remembered him saying to me after I agreed to be his friend. He looks like he would be popular in school so I wonder why he had no friends before me. I stopped my thought when I heard my mom call me from downstairs that the food's here. I leave my room and walk downstairs.

~Time skip~
After dinner, I spent an hour unpacking what I could before I had to go to bed. The only things set up was my desk and chair, along with all my art supplies on top. I had a passion for drawing. And my bed along with pillows and blankets were already set up so I could go to sleep.

I changed into a lose fitting shirt and comfortable shorts, then laid down in bed.
I suddenly remembered the question I asked Oikawa before his mother accidentally dropped the box containing the red vase. I wonder why he says no one at school likes him.., I thought. Suddenly I yawned and that was the last question on my mind before I drifted off to sleep.

Oh my god that was the most writing I have ever done! I wrote all this from 2:30 a.m to 4:30 a.m XD.
It's now light outside and I have not slept at all. :,)
I don't even think I have the energy to edit this for grammar errors.
Anyways I hope y'all like this story of mine. I don't know why I suddenly got inspiration and motivation to write a story at 2:00 in the morning. Oh well.
And this story contains over 2,940 words.
Counting the A/N it includes over 3,000.
Im gonna go to sleep now. I hope y'all like this story.

Iwaoi soulmate AU Where stories live. Discover now