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Harry woke up to the sun shining through a crack in the curtains. He looked over at his alarm clock, 5:26am. Way too early. Harry looked to his left and saw Blaise still snoring away, he turned to the other side and saw Draco wide awake, drawing in the air with an orange light charm from his wand. "No sleep?" Harry asked, he could tell by Draco's red eyes, though he wasn't sure if this was from lack of sleep or crying. Draco also looked extremely bored, like he was trying to keep himself busy, almost as if he was avoiding the thoughts in his head. Of course, Harry knew this from experience. "Nope." Draco replied, keeping his eyes on the tip of his wand, following wherever it went with the light. Though he was really just trying not to let Harry know he'd been crying all night.

Draco got out of his bed and walked to the bathroom without another word. He washed his face and stared at himself in the mirror. What am I doing here? I can't sleep without the nightmares and screaming at midnight. I can't function properly anymore. Draco snapped out of his thoughts and realised he had an extremely tight grip on the sink below him. He let go of the sink and brought his hands up to his hair and stepped back. He closed his eyes and exhaled. There was a knock at the door which frightened Draco. "Yes?" He asked with a little more force than intended. Draco heard Harry's voice from behind the door, "I need to pee." "Wait Potter."
"Fine." Harry replied. Draco stripped and climbed into the shower just to make Harry Wait.

Harry, Blaise and Draco walked to the great hall together. Harry was surprised that a horrific brawl hadn't broken out between him and the Slytherins yet, and the Slytherins were quite puzzled at Harry's change of attitude towards them, especially Draco. He had wanted to be friends with Harry from day dot but that didn't quite go to plan. This year is going to be different. This year is the year of the dragon.

Harry departed from the Slytherins and went to sit on the Gryffindor table with. "Hey Nev." Harry chirped. He sat down next to the boy and grabbed a plate. "Hi Harry." Neville said, not taking his eyes off of his copy of the Prophet. Harry read over Nevilles shoulder,

Death Eater Lucius Malfoy, finally bites the dust after the dementors kiss, in Azkaban. Now widow of Lucius, Narssica Malfoy is going into trial, next Thursday, to prove she had no involvement with the Dark Lord. Son of the Two, Draco Malfoy, has been cut out of the will and the inheritance, due to his 'betrayal' of the Dark Lord. It is unknown what exactly Draco did to deserve this much hate from his family and the Dark Lord himself...

Harry couldn't believe what he was reading, Lucius Malfoy dead, Narssica Malfoy going into trial and what the bloody hell did Draco do? No wonder Draco didn't sleep last night.

Harry tried to get the Malfoys out of his head. "Where are Seamus and Dean?" He asked. "Haven't seen them all morning, probably went for a walk or something." Neville replied with his face still buried in his paper.


Harry looked up to find the Weasley's owl, Errol. At first he was confused, because none of the Waeslys went to Hogwarts anymore (Ginny pulled out because she couldn't be there without the memories of Fred popping up everyday). Errol was delivering the reply to Harry's letter he sent yesterday. Hermione must be staying with Ron. The clumsy bird flew down and dropped the letter in Harry's porridge, before crash landing in Nevilles paper. The bird gathered itself enough to fly back out of the great hall without too much of a commotion. Harry opened the purple envelope.

Awfully sorry we didn't tell you Harry, but we hadn't
heard from you in a while and we didn't expect you
to go back. So we stayed here because we thought you
would've too. We hate the thought of you being alone,
Hope you are doing well, again Ron and I are really sorry.

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