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Beep beep beep beep-Harry rolled over and turned off his alarm, with a clumsy first and second attempt. He shoved his face in his pillow and screamed as loud as he could. He definitely wasn't ready for the year ahead. He panted into his pillow for a while, to get his breath back and reached out for his black, square framed glasses. 9:34am Fuck this, Harry thought as he grabbed a towel and headed for his shower, turned the radio on and sang his heart out to a Queen song.

It was now 10:46am and Harry had to board the Hogwarts express in less than 15 minutes. He was contemplating going back to bed and ditching the thought of going back to school. The worst thing Harry could think about, was going back to school. He didn't want to put up with all the rumours and fan clubs and he didn't want to go back to the battlefield but he was excited to see Hermione and Ron.

Harry sighed as he packed last set of books and looked around his house, which he had inherited (12 Grimmauld place) as he walked towards the door. Harry had memories of the order, for the short time he was apart of it, stored in his brain which he couldn't let go of. Memories he didn't want in his nightmares but somehow they made Harry's life hell while he lived like a zombie, with little sleep. 10:57am, "okay I really have to go now." Harry said to himself. He apparated to the train station, because he was now 18 and allowed to do magic outside of Hogwarts. He pulled his hood on and boarded the train, his bags already packed into the luggage compartment.

Walking around the old reggety train, Harry realised there was a considerable amount familiar faces missing from the train. Maybe their parents didn't let them come back, I don't blame them. I wouldn't come back if I didn't have- Harry was yanked out of his thoughts when a hand pulled his shoulder into a full compartment. Harry stumbled, as the force had surprised him, and he was flat on his back, staring up at 5 mischievous smirks. "Potter! How nice of you to, arh... drop in." Blaise Zabini said and flashed a sarcastic smile. Harry sat up and brought his knees up to his chest. "Okay guys, you all know how very much I enjoy your company," Harry said sarcastically, "but I don't have time for your shit today." He continued and went to exit the compartment as he stood, but Vincent Crabbe stood in front of the door before Harry could get to it. "Why the hurry potter? You know this is an 8 hour train ride, I'm sure you can spare 5 minutes." Pansy Parkinson fluttered her eye lashes in an attempt to look sweet, but failed miserably. Harry sighed. "I'm not getting out of here until then am I?" Harry asked. There were a few 'nopes' and head shakes to answer his question, so he rolled his eyes and took a seat in between Draco Malfoy and Pansy.

Blaise and Daphne Greengrass were across from Harry on the other seat and Crabbe was still guarding the door, incase Harry decided to make a run for it.
"So, we heard you swing for the other team Potter." Blaise said with a trademark Slytherin smirk. Harry folded his arms sat back in his chair. "Why do you need to know? Is that going to be a problem Zabini?" Harry asked with a fair amount of sass. Pansy scowled from beside him and Daphne spoke for the first time, "don't think you're special potter, you aren't the only gay person in here." She said and raised her eyebrows. Harry's head immediately shot to Crabbe, suspecting him to be the other gay one. Crabbe death glared Harry. "It's not me you twit." Crabbe spat at Harry. Harry snorted and hid his face in his hands. He then looked up at Blaise, and. Blaise shook his head to indicate that is wasn't him. Pansy sifted her weight and Harry turned his head to look at Draco. Draco raised an eyebrow at Harry. "Ding ding ding." Draco chimed with a bored, kinda annoyed expression. "Well you hadn't insulted me or hexed since I've been here so I kinda just forgot about you." Harry shrugged. "How did you even find out?" Harry circled back to Blaise, Harry hadn't even told Ron and Hermione. "I have connections." Blaise stated.

Harry went to stand up and head to the door. "Well, as always it's been a pleasure, Zabini, Parkinson, Greengrass, Malfoy. Crabbe." but Crabbe wouldn't budge from the door so Harry grabbed his face and kissed him right on the lips. Crabbe was gobsmacked enough to let Harry push him out of the way. When Harry turned around to close the doors his eyes locked with Draco's dull grey ones and winked, which made Draco blush.

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