Aries Lestrange

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After I heard the pop I started opening my eyes, I was so suprised to find myself in a cobbled alley full of people walking, chattering, buying and whatever they were doing.... there were assortment of restaurants, shops and other sights not found in the muggle world it was a very complicated sight but at the same time it was a happy sight. 

" Hmm... this is quite odd most people who I took along with me would mostly vomit after I have done it " Dumbledore said as I look at him with curiosity

But then I realize why he asked me to hold his arm tightly he was going to apparate us in this alley

" Well professor, as you can see my aunties together with me would also apparate in different places and why do other people vomit after it? I know I didn't whenever me and my aunties would do it "

" I see you are used to things like this but I'm sure you probably don't know where we are am I right? "  I nodded as he said this and gave me a grin

" As you can see we are in Diagon Alley and " Professor was cut off when a man called him

" Good day Professor Dumbledore " the man said in a very baritone like manner

" Good day to you too Hagrid " As Dumbledore said this the man named Hagrid walked towards me and held out his hand waiting for me to shook it I look at his hand for a while and then gripped and shooked it

" 'Ello ma name is Rubeus Hagrid en you mus' be Joycel Funtonhive " I stared at him chin up as he said this and gosh he's so tall

" Ms. Funtonhive I think I would be leaving now Hagrid will show you around the alley and help you buy your school supplies " Dumbledore said

" Alright professor Dumbledore " I said as he walked away but then he looked back

" Oh and Hagrid get Ms. Funtonhive to the castle once you are done buying " He turned around again and walked away

" 'Right professor I will " Then we started walking and buying the stuffs I need

After a while I saw a shop selling owls

" So you wanna buy an owl " Hagrid asked

" No nevermind the galleon I have isn't enough to buy one and I still need to buy a robe Hagrid " I said with a bit of sad tone in my voice

" Well then let 's go to Gringotts bank I'm sure you have money in there knowing that your relatives are witches "

" Hagrid will one need something to get money from ones vault? " I asked

" Of course you will need the key to your vault or else you can't get money in it " Hagrid replied

" Just as I thought so " I said knowing the fact that I can't get money from my own vault 

When I was done buying my robe from Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions me and Hagrid went to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour to have snack after that Hagrid lead me to Ollivander's wand shop 

" Hagrid, what are we doing here? " I asked 

" Well, to buy you a wand of course " He replied making the two last words more obvious

" Hagrid I already have a wand " Then I showed him my black wand 

" Oh... sorry I didn' know you already have a wand "

" Actually Hagrid, I have two wands but this is the wand that I will be mostly using "

" Why won't you use the other one? "

" Well....uhmm... it's because the other wand.... when I'm using it I get easily drained " He looked at me curiously but then he asked no more questions and continued to walk

While we were walking I was suddenly startled by someone who hugged me from behind.

" JOYYIIEE I MISSED YOU " The person screamed while letting go of me

I then turned around to see who the person is and then I realize that she was Aries my only close friend aside from the people at home. She has a long black hair and violet eyes, she was wearing an orange t-shirt and black skinny jeans, she was also wearing her favorite converse shoes....

" Joy I missed you..... you haven't been talking to me since yesterday and I was so planning to tell you that I am going to Hogwarts this year " She was pouting her lips while saying this making me smile a little

" Well I was actually busy Aries so I'm sorry for not keeping in touch since yesterday "

" Oh that's fine what are you doing here anyways and who is he? " Pointing at Hagrid

" I am here to buy school supplies that is required in schooling at Hogwarts and this is Hagrid, he is the one helping me buy the things I need... "

" Nice to meet you miss " Hagrid said with a grin on his face

" Nice to meet you too Hagrid and by the way I am Aries Lestrange " 

" ARIES LESTRANGE " Hagrid screamed in shock 

" Whoa Hagrid keep it down people are staring at us " I said trying to calm him down

" Sorry about that I was just surprise and all when I heard your name " Hagrid apologized sincerely

" I understand but I'm not really like my sister and I don't like her cause she is so menacing and insane so please don't think that I am like her cause really I'm kind, caring and loving but if ever someone messes with me and the people I care for I might actually become menacing and insane towards those people but only because I'm trying to defend myself and others "

" So Joy have you already bought your robes? " Aries asked while looking at me

" Yes I already did " I replied

" I see " She was pouting her lips when she said this because she was disappointed that she wasn't with me when I bought my robes but I was glad that she wasn't with me cause she has a little pervy side within her

After that Hagrid and Aries got along and shared laughs together with me of course and then we went to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour to eat

" So Joy.... you're aunties agreed on making you study Hogwarts " Aries said while licking her ice cream

" Yup, and I was actually surprised by the news " 

" In what house would you like to join then? " She asked

" In any house... how about you? " 

" Gryffindor..... I wanna be in Gryffindor " she replied while wiping her mouth

" Oh I see " Knowing that she has been wanting to be in that house ever since her mother said that her sister was in Slytherin

When we were done eating Aries said goodbye and left, then Hagrid and I went to Hogwarts since it was already late and I had all the things I need.

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