i think im in love with you (Booth x Reader)

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Booth decided to take you with him to check out the next suspect on his case. "So where is it we're going exactly?" You questioned. "We're going just north of the Jeffersonian. There's a suspect in the old town house across the street I've been trying to get for weeks." "And it's okay for me to go with you to do this?" You asked a worried expression on your face. "God you're hot when you look worried." Booth mumbled. "What was that?" You looked confused at your best friend. "Huh? What? Nothing. Here, let's listen to the radio." Booth said quickly changing the subject. You reached over and turned off the music just as fast as he turned it on. "Booth, I know you like the back of my hand. You're a terrible lier. Tell me what you said or I just might have to pry it out of you." "And how do you think you're going to do that?" "One word. Brennan. Now tell me what you said." "Um..okay...well here goes nothing..." You sat there with your arms crossed and a raised eyebrow as booth struggled to find words. "I think I'm in love with you, Y/N." Your expression softened as a year rolled down your eye. "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong? I knew I shouldn't have said anything." Booth said shaking his head. "On the contrary booth, no one's ever said that to me before so these are tears of pure love." You smiled and wiped away your tears with your sleeve. Booth just stared at you in awe. That was until you warned him to look at the road or you'd both be dead. Booth reached his hand palm open over to your side of the car. You laced your hand with his and the rest of the ride was spent in pure joy and silence. For no words meant more than too many. God you couldn't wait to tell Brennan and Angela what just happened.

A/N: sorry this sucks but keep requesting away! Much love to all of you!

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